Closed Bug 1104941 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Release marionette-client to pypi prior to Wed. Dec 3rd


(Testing :: Marionette Client and Harness, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ahal, Unassigned)


(Keywords: pi-marionette-client)


(1 file)

We plan on doing a training session for QA during the Portland work week. There have been several fixes going into both marionette client and server as a result of the Firefox greenlight tests. We've been using a locally installed copy of marionette, but in order for the training to go smoothly, we should have an up to date client uploaded to pypi with the latest fixes. E.g the current version of the client doesn't have the 'using_context' method.

I'm not entirely sure what is involved with releasing this, but I'll at least attach a patch.
Attachment #8528579 - Flags: review?(dburns)
CC'ing zac and davehunt in case there are concerns with gaia-ui-tests.
No concerns at all. The Gaia UI tests are pinned to the current version, though I suspect they will be promptly tested and updated to the new version considering all the great stuff that's landed since the last release.

Typically we simply bump the version number as you have in your patch and then release to PyPI. After the new release is out we e-mail a few lists notifying of the release and notable changes. The lists we have announced to in the past are:,,,, and
Attachment #8528579 - Flags: review?(dburns) → review+
Here are the notable changes for the announcement. I've tried to filter out insignificant changes or server only changes, but I may have missed a few:

Bug 755475 - Allow the getting and setting of the current browser window position from Marionette
Bug 977893 - getCurrentUrl in marionette should return the url for the top level document
Bug 984508 - Marionette should monitor listeners to ensure they're still alive
Bug 1001322 - Move wait_for_port to and call when starting a new session
Bug 1028407 - Establish connection to server faster
Bug 1045103 - Add Marionette support for setWindowSize
Bug 1046512 - Modification to Marionette to support running tests with e10s enabled
Bug 1047101 - Provide a way to do data-driven tests with Marionette test runner
Bug 1058158 - Run B2G Marionette tests in test container
Bug 1064421 - Clean up setWindowSize tests and add support for Fennec
Bug 1065381 - Add result_callbacks to include test debug in HTML reports for failures and errors
Bug 1069572 - Add maximise_window() to Marionette to allow maximising the browser window
Bug 1072650 - Fix giant wall of logcat output when connection times out
Bug 1073021 - Add base image version to HTML report
Bug 1073539 - Add the ability to set capabilities into Marionette
Bug 1073732 - Allow Marionette to have sessions ids that are unique for that session
Bug 1074736 - selection_rect_list should consider multiple range
Bug 1075487 - make get_b2g_pid get the right pid
Bug 1080764 - Add 'anon' and 'anon attribute' search strategies to marionette.find_element()
Bug 1081043 - Only check for crashes if we get a MarionetteException or an instance of IOError
Bug 1084565 - Add option to output logcat to stdout
Bug 1087251 - Gather version and device information for HTML logging
Bug 1088905 - Support with syntax when setting marionette's context
Bug 1089536 - Allow multiple test variable files to be specified on the command line
Bug 1090272 - Raise NoSuchFrameException when attempting to switch to a non-existant frame by index
Bug 1091662 - Support for modifier keys in chrome scope in marionette
Bug 1092888 - Add a parameter to toggle context menu when calling long_press
Bug 1093707 - Return an error from Marionette when attempting to navigate in chrome scope
Bug 1094441 - Allow CSS selector as a search strategy for Marionette in chrome context
Bug 1095751 - Pass optional device serial to mozversion in Marionette runner
Bug 1101172 - Correct Exception thrown when passing invalid element search type
Bug 1101539 - Make Marionette's GeckoInstance actually support passing a nonstandard port
Bug 1103956 - Remove explicit type checking from Wait class

Generated (and then edited) using:
$ hg log -M -r 014cee74f684:: --template "{node|short}: {desc|firstline}\n" testing/marionette/client
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Testing → Remote Protocol

Moving bugs for Marionette client due to component changes.

Component: Marionette → Marionette Client and Harness
Product: Remote Protocol → Testing
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