Closed Bug 203448 Opened 22 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Matic's performance tracker


(Core Graveyard :: Tracking, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: markushuebner, Assigned: markushuebner)


(Depends on 12 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta, perf)

A tracking one for bugs that I feel are important to improve performance.
Depends on: 23187, 169770, 170330, 187053
reassigning to me ...
Assignee: chofmann → markush
QA Contact: chofmann → markush
Depends on: 149216, 158713
Depends on: 125246, 153818, 196557
Depends on: 13350
Depends on: 142635
Depends on: 109415
Depends on: 203439
Depends on: 148826
Depends on: 90198, 201307
Depends on: 169559
Depends on: 54542
Depends on: 123191
Hardware: PC → All
Depends on: 201082
Depends on: 205790
Depends on: 205536
Depends on: 100%CPU-bg
Depends on: 175411
Depends on: 142994
Depends on: 76831
Depends on: 81087
Depends on: deCOM
Depends on: 190735
Depends on: 198806
Depends on: 148636
Depends on: 169247
Depends on: 209780
Depends on: TileCache
Depends on: 118933
Depends on: 171262
can't we get some hierarchy here? I mean just calling this "performance" implies
an incredibly huge scope. 

Can't we break this up into
app performance
    history performance
    bookmark performance
layout performance
    DOM Performance
    Style performance
    Table performance

right now we just have this muddle of a million random performance bugs.

Not to mention there are already metabugs for some of the above mentioned
categories... and a number of general performance metabugs. This bug doesn't
help anything unless someone sorts out all these bugs.
Well, this meta performance bug is just a personal collection (best of if you 
will :)

I filed several other meta bugs for some of the performance problems if you 
will but I can arrange to get through all of them and get some hierarchy into 
the whole world of performance bugs if appreciated.
Depends on: 97229
Depends on: 197341
Depends on: 15122
Depends on: 164084
Depends on: 214370
Depends on: 160816
Depends on: 213943, 219276
Depends on: 78911
Depends on: paintperf1
Depends on: 115247
Depends on: 34887
Depends on: 213813
Depends on: 81446
Depends on: 209679
Depends on: 218650
Depends on: 227361
Depends on: 213946
Depends on: 230170
Depends on: 233441
Depends on: 230610
Depends on: 75559
Depends on: 240934
Depends on: 210224
Depends on: 240874
Depends on: 257454
Depends on: 165975
Depends on: 238448, 242145
Depends on: 244238
Depends on: 77945
Depends on: 264915
Depends on: 267179
Depends on: 129496
Depends on: 103670
Depends on: 241796
Depends on: 233463
Depends on: blazinglyfastback
Depends on: 124695
Depends on: 208727
Depends on: 157334
Depends on: 119646
Depends on: 271927
Depends on: 291386
Depends on: 51202
Depends on: 162122
Depends on: 304683
Depends on: gif-cpukiller
Depends on: 194627
Depends on: 299689
Depends on: 196843
Depends on: 106796
Depends on: 75001
Depends on: 297959
Depends on: 311598
Depends on: 305898
Bugzilla Bug 320378
[Firefox 1.5] Rendering of very simple pages takes over 20 seconds

Bugzilla Bug 273293
Performance degradation at
Depends on: 273293, 320378
Bugzilla Bug 328367
Laggy scrolling on most of the sites
Depends on: 328367
Depends on: 312238
*** Bug 337850 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Bugzilla Bug 331452
Optimize repeat refreshing

Depends on: 328374
Bugzilla Bug 284978
After loading many large images, Firefox stops repainting

Depends on: 284978
Bugzilla Bug 304381
Hiding update window while downloading updates causes very slow (seemingly stopped) download
Bugzilla Bug 341046
Incremental layout should not happen in background tabs

Bugzilla Bug 305402
Give loading priority to focused tab.
Bugzilla Bug 343282
bfcache is slow
Depends on: 311566
Bugzilla Bug 100951
Slow scrolling bugs
Depends on: 100951, 305402, 341046
Bugzilla Bug 221335 Speed up module output
Bug 372618 – 7% Txul regression on Linux

Bug 372621 – 11% Ts regression for Mac
Bug 91242 – CSS parsing is 5.5% of startup time
Bug 84945 – nsDiskCacheMap::ReadDiskCacheEntry should use a cached buffer 
Suggesting bug 401679 - it needs some care.
Don't read just the summary line about 100% cpu, read also comment #1 - the URL,7340,L-3465625,00.html freezes the application for several seconds on an Intel Celeron machine during page load due probably to many comments on the article (~2000 comments) . When there are multiple tabs open from this site - which reload from time to time, it makes firefox very unresponsive.
Please add bug 645471 : Clearing cookies hangs browser due to plug-ins cookies deletion
No longer depends on: TileCache
Marking all tracking bugs which haven't been updated since 2014 as INCOMPLETE.
If this bug is still relevant, please reopen it and move it into a bugzilla component related to the work
being tracked. The Core: Tracking component will no longer be used.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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