Closed Bug 546131 (eubrowserchoice-l10n) Opened 15 years ago Closed 14 years ago

[tracking] Localize


(Core Graveyard :: Tracking, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: stas, Unassigned)



This is a tracking bug for the localization of the website, a.k.a. the 'Learn More' page of the European Browser Ballot campaign. The website uses gettext. Localization files are located in under ${locale_code}/LC_MESSAGES/ directories. You should already have RW access to this directory. You can use SVN to check out and commit your translations, or translate on-line using Verbatim: We'd love to get the translations from you by Wednesday, February 24th. The whole page has only around 520 words to translate--we really tried to keep it short :) (For French and Dutch locales: Microsoft will be running a pilot next week in French and Dutch, please see your bugs for more information about this.) The staging server is located at You can find more details at Please don't hesitate to ask questions. Ideally, please post general questions in this bug, and locale-specific questions in your locale's bug. Thanks in advance!
Alias: eubrowserchoice-l10n
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I've noticed in the wiki that there's going be a change for the personas link to the personas section on amo, will that affect all locales? i mean, could we just keep it for locales that have already completed the personas website localization? And another thing, aren't those localised images XP style? shouldn't we have vista/windows 7 style images?
For locales that have done gerpersonas localization (3 locales, among which yours), we will use getpersonas link, for locales that haven't done it we will point to AMO-personas section (since we have AMO localized for many European locales).
Thanks Pascal, What about the images? should we stick to XP or replace them?
we stick to XP because the majority of users that will be seeing this page in the months to come will be XP users, we may later on replace that by Vista/7 screenshots depending on the evolution of Windows market share.
Do we need to upload a compiled or is it created server side?
@francesco The .mo file is created server-side, no need to upload it.
Here I am (again) ;-) * can we have two (or more) English quotes, just in case we're unable to find interesting/suitable local quotes for the two bubbles? * is the language detection already working on stage? * how long is the cache and how often is the .mo file generated?
@francesco * I think Barbara has asked our local press agency in Italy for good quotes * locale detection is not working yet on stage * I couldn't tell for the last one, stas will probably know since he filed the IT bugs to have the cron jobs set up
Pascal, keep in mind that there are some locales that have already translated getpersonas and are pending for localization to go live [1], for example Spanish ;) [1]
@flod: I would expect there is no cache since this is a staging server. But I'll ask Alex today to confirm this. The stage svns up every 10 minutes or so, and then compiles the .mo files every 15 minutes. You should be able to see your work at @Nukeador: We'll remember that :) I think we'll use the link for Polish, Czech, Greek and Spanish.
@flod: re quotes. Our PR agency has suggested some quotes at I'll post an update about the quotes tomorrow. Patrick will have the English ones tomorrow morning and we'll figure out what to do with the locale ones.
For quotation should be use national quote characters e.g. for Polish „ and ”.
In the 2 sections text is not properly justify. See: Text is justify only in the 6 lines, 7-th line isn't justify.
(In reply to comment #13) > In the 2 sections text is not properly justify. See: > > > Text is justify only in the 6 lines, 7-th line isn't justify. Alex Buchanan is the webdev lead on this project. If there is an issue, I am thinking we might need to email Alex or file a bug to properly call out the error because he might not see this note here. Perhaps the latter option is best. Leszek, do you want to file that bug? Component is Be sure to indicate in the summary section that you see it as a problem on the *Polish* page.
(In reply to comment #14) I'm here :) just hadn't made it to this TODO item yet. Filed bug 546534
(In reply to comment #8) > @francesco > > * I think Barbara has asked our local press agency in Italy for good quotes > * locale detection is not working yet on stage > * I couldn't tell for the last one, stas will probably know since he filed the > IT bugs to have the cron jobs set up Local quotations that PR agencies and others found are here:
Hey all, With the recent changes to the code, the new URLs that allow to preview the translation are of the form: (for Spanish) where "es-ES" is the Mozilla-style locale code. So you don't need to specify a gettext-style code anymore (es_ES.utf8).
Hey all, me again. I've updated the English (reference) file and merged all locales. Please svn up or "update from VCS" in Verbatim (although I did that for all locales in Verbatim already, so you should be good). Some strings were marked as fuzzy, please review them. In majority of cases, they should be good as they are. More importantly, I replaced the bubble_one, bubble_two placeholders with the English quotes from the press. You can translate them if you wish, but if you can find local quotes from local media, please do use them instead. This is in fact a preferred solution. You can find some good quotes identified by our PR agencies at
1) Looking at the stage server page, i think that the "security","Customisation" (btw, shouldn't that be "Customization"?),"Global Acclaim" and "Privacy" columns on the top section look a little bit ugly for most locales. There's more text in the last two columns and that makes the distribution not even in the page. 2) The mozilla europe awards page which is linked from the page looks outdated with 4 and 5 years old awards.
Am I the only one who finds not a great idea using the same string for button labels ("Learn More") and the page title ("Learn More : Mozilla Firefox")?
(In reply to comment #19) > 1) Looking at the stage server page, i think that the > "security","Customisation" (btw, shouldn't that be "Customization"?),"Global > Acclaim" and "Privacy" columns on the top section look a little bit ugly for > most locales. There's more text in the last two columns and that makes the > distribution not even in the page. > 2) The mozilla europe awards page which is linked from the page looks outdated > with 4 and 5 years old awards. "Customisation" is British English. If the Mozilla Europe page is not updated, I would suggest to replace with the non-localised page
(In reply to comment #20) > Am I the only one who finds not a great idea using the same string for button > labels ("Learn More") and the page title ("Learn More : Mozilla Firefox")? Ah, good catch flod. Would be good to change this. We're going live tonight, so I'll work on updating this on trunk but not production.
I think alt text is not needed for purely presentational images (those that convey no meaning) such as icons, and probably even screenshots. Having alt text like "Security icon" doesn't add much accessibility, just makes the translation harder. Ideally, those icons should be added by CSS as backgrounds. Similarly, alt text like "Security screenshot" doesn't make much sense either. I think it would be better to tell in more detail what the screenshot holds. E.g. "Instant Web Site ID Screenshot" in Mozilla Europe's website is a better alt text IMO.
Also, it's of course the designer's call, but I don't quite get why we have such poorly looking images compared to those on Mozilla Europe's website. Why is this website so grey as if it was all dusty and muddy?..
(In reply to comment #24) > Also, it's of course the designer's call, but I don't quite get why we have > such poorly looking images compared to those on Mozilla Europe's website. Why > is this website so grey as if it was all dusty and muddy?.. I am not a designer either, but I do have some of the background. This page will not necessarily be rendered as a full web page, but rather as something that is supposed to resemble a Windows update screen. We didn't want it to be *that* bland, but that is part of the reason for offering this plainer, more focused version of the Firefox product page. HTH
Oh, I see. That still doesn't explain greyness though. Another note: what's the point of current ? IE/Mac is long since dead, and it's not the target audience anyway, so why work around its bugs?
Hey all, As flod noticed in comment 20, the <title/> element uses the same string as the "Learn more" button below the four blurbs. This can be a bit limiting in some languages, so we will change this in the PHP code: we will do _('Learn more') for the button and sprintf(_("Learn More : %s"), 'Mozilla Firefox') for the <title/>. For now, I've only updated the English (reference) file with this one new string and merged all locales. Please svn up or "update from VCS" in Verbatim. I have not yet made the actual change in the PHP code, as we're going live tonight and I don't want to break the translations 5 minutes before the launch. The PHP code still uses the old string: <title><?= _("Learn More") ?> : Mozilla Firefox</title> Please update your localizations by adding the translation of the new "Learn More : %s" string. We will make the switch (first on stage, then on production) when the majority of localization have been updated. We're targeting next week for the switch. Again, please svn up or "update from VCS" in Verbatim. Thanks.
Dear all, Just a note to let you know that both (Microsoft's site) and are now live :) This is a 'silent' launch for testing purposes, so we still have time to take new locales and fix bugs. Please, feel free to test as much as you can! Land your fixes in Verbatim and SVN and let me know about them (preferably in your locale's 'browserchoice' bug) so that we can publish them on the production server. We're currently 3-4 days ahead of the schedule, as the pilot ballot update will go live on Tuesday, Feb 23rd (in the UK, France and Belgium). For other countries/locales, our target date is Wednesday, February 24th, and MS is planning to publish the ballot update around March 1st. Today, we already have an amazing number of 14 locales ready and counting! Thanks so much for being so responsive and quick and congrats on the work done so far. -stas
Hello all, We've made a change, to fix the locale name printed on the download button, e.g. "English (British) 9.4MB" A reference for the code change: Please svn up and un-fuzz the string by removing the language name (instead, it will be printed using our localeDetails library)
Staś, do your have any thoughts regarding comment #23 ?
(In reply to comment #28) > > Just a note to let you know that both (Microsoft's > site) and are now live :) > Hmmm.. I thought el (Greek) was marked for production last night, apparently it doesn't seem to be available yet.
The site is very aggressively cached, as we're preparing to get a lot of traffic in a short period of time. That's why you'll be still seeing the old revision for some time, even after the push of a newer one. To bypass the cache, specify any query parameter in the URL, for example:
Won't this website have a language chooser?
(In reply to comment #33) > Won't this website have a language chooser? The site is not a fully featured website as it's downstream from what will effectively appear to be a Windows update. The language is coded by the URL presented to the user which is defined by their preference in IE. We will add redirects for languages which are used in the region but not catered for by MSFT (e.g. Catalan, Russian, Turkish etc.) next week. But the user will be directed to the language of their existing preferences in IE.
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all dependencies fixed, this site is currently only in maintenance mode, marking fixed.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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