Closed Bug 1204281 Opened 9 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Intermittent [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 3600 seconds. Force killing container. / [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 5400 seconds. Force killing container. / [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 7200 seconds. Force killing container.


(Release Engineering :: General, defect)

Not set


(firefox51 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox51 --- fixed


(Reporter: philor, Assigned: gbrown)


(Depends on 3 open bugs)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure, Whiteboard: [stockwell infra])


(5 files, 1 obsolete file)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1198092 +++
I think this has to do with Gij's retry logic. As Michael said on the mailing list, each Gij test is run 5 times within a test chunk (g. Gij4) before it is marked as failing. Then that chunk itself is retried up to 5 times before the whole thing is marked as failing.[1] This means we may end up retrying so much that we timeout the task.

I wouldn't consider this a bug for TC but rather a bug for b2g Gij automation. What do you guys think about us changing the component here?

Flags: needinfo?(mhenretty)
(In reply to Nigel Babu [:nigelb] from comment #53)
> I think this has to do with Gij's retry logic. As Michael said on the
> mailing list, each Gij test is run 5 times within a test chunk (g. Gij4)
> before it is marked as failing. Then that chunk itself is retried up to 5
> times before the whole thing is marked as failing.[1] This means we may end
> up retrying so much that we timeout the task.
> I wouldn't consider this a bug for TC but rather a bug for b2g Gij
> automation. What do you guys think about us changing the component here?
> [1]:

Certainly our retry logic makes this worse, but the real problem is that for these bad (ie. long) runs, something happens which makes the test runner pause 11 minutes between test runs. If you take a look at one of the failures [1], there was really only 1 test that was being retried, apps/system/test/marionette/text_selection_test.js. But several tests before that (which passed the first time) would have an 11 minute delay between tests. This is where the problem is.

Now this could still totally be a bug in our Gij automation rather than taskcluster, but we should investigate what is happening during those 11 minutes before drawing any conclusions. 

Flags: needinfo?(mhenretty)
:rail it looks like some of the spikes recently were related to funsize tasks timing out, such as .  Most oft he tasks seem to fail with "HTTPError: 400 Client Error: BAD REQUEST"

The last week or so of tasks, there were 755 failures and 625 of them were from a funsize task.  I wasn't sure if you were aware of anything going on.  Let me know if there is anything I can dig into with this.
Flags: needinfo?(rail)
I filed bug 1223872 to make balrog submission have less race conditions, but I'm not sure if it can be quickly and easily resolved.

There is also bug 1224698 to help with networking issues we have after aus migrated to scl3, but still routed through phx.
Flags: needinfo?(rail)
Thanks for the update! At least there are bugs out there to fix this.  I just didn't know if you were aware of the spike or not.  Thanks again!
looking at the last few items here, I see we timeout when the entire job is >60 minutes- not the tests.  This includes setup, running tests, cleanup.

I see 27 minutes for setup due to vcs errors:

all of these started at roughly the same time, so this looks to be a root issue in the time to complete:
curl --connect-timeout 30 --speed-limit 500000 -L -o /home/worker/.tc-vcs/clones/

this should normally take <5 minutes and it shows 20+ minutes in many logs.

:rail, can you help me find the person who would know why the vcs sync is so slow- I assume this was an isolated incident.
Flags: needinfo?(rail)
then I see a few others where we have no vcs issues and I see:
14:35:39     INFO -  Running tests in  /home/worker/gaia/apps/system/test/marionette/audio_channel_competing_test.js
15:03:25     INFO -  .....................................................................................................................................................
15:03:25     INFO -  /home/worker/gaia/apps/system/test/marionette/audio_channel_competing_test.js failed. Will retry.
15:03:30     INFO -  Running tests in  /home/worker/gaia/apps/system/test/marionette/audio_channel_competing_test.js
[taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 3600 seconds. Force killing container.

this seems as though that specific test case is failing.

:bkelly, can you help me find the owner of gaia/apps/system/test/marionette/audio_channel_competing_test.js, I cannot find it in dxr, and this must live somewhere in b2g land.
Flags: needinfo?(bkelly)
(In reply to Joel Maher (:jmaher) from comment #85) 
> :rail, can you help me find the person who would know why the vcs sync is so
> slow- I assume this was an isolated incident.

I'd talk to hwine.
Flags: needinfo?(rail)
(In reply to Joel Maher (:jmaher) from comment #86)
> :bkelly, can you help me find the owner of
> gaia/apps/system/test/marionette/audio_channel_competing_test.js, I cannot
> find it in dxr, and this must live somewhere in b2g land.

I emailed gregor and mhenretty.  I think those are bug 1233565.  Thanks for checking on this!
Flags: needinfo?(bkelly)
Right, we do have an owner for gaia/apps/system/test/marionette/audio_channel_competing_test.js in bug 1233565. But also note that this test has been disabled for about a week [1], and we have still been seeing this failure in automation since. So I still think this issue is caused by some large slowdown in the test runner (maybe the VM gets choked in amazon or something), and not due to any individual test(s).

:hwine, when you get back, could you look at why this vcs sync is taking so long intermittently?  In fact, I would rather kill the job if we have a vcs sync error that takes so long as it would terminate the job faster since we know it will always terminate.  Can we define a guarantee of 6 minutes for all source syncing and if we cross that threshold we fail?
Flags: needinfo?(hwine)
(In reply to Joel Maher (:jmaher) from comment #90)
> :hwine, when you get back, could you look at why this vcs sync is taking so
> long intermittently?

Can you define "this", please? There are many (>500) vcs-sync jobs. There is lots of tuning that can be done once we know which repos are involved.

> In fact, I would rather kill the job if we have a vcs
> sync error that takes so long as it would terminate the job faster since we
> know it will always terminate.  Can we define a guarantee of 6 minutes for
> all source syncing and if we cross that threshold we fail?

I'm not sure I'm following here - there should be no time based dependencies in vcs-sync (it is supposed to be event driven). So "all source syncing" doesn't mean anything to me. Let's do a vidyo to educate me.

However, no guarantee of that short (6m) a time. See for a diagram of what is happening, and how there are some events that should gate potential race conditions.
Flags: needinfo?(hwine) → needinfo?(jmaher)
this is more of an issue with curling a repo from (search for "Operation too slow")

as per comment 85, this seems to be clustered at certain times.  The link at the top of this current comment is from 2 days ago and was the only instance.  Is this something that has a capacity of XX connections/second and we hit a perfect storm every now and then?

:garndt, how can we debug this and ensure that the .gz is available and we can determine where the proper caches are updated/out of date?  Maybe :gps would know more details.
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher) → needinfo?(garndt)
I have setup monitoring of some of our taskcluster-vcs cached repos (basically everything but emulator and device image 'repo' repos, those will come soon with a patch) so we should notice hopefully when one of those are out of date (> 48 hours old).  Caches expire after 30 days so for a new cache task to not be indexed in 48 hours is enough time to look into it as long as we receive the alert. 

As far as ensuring that the .gz is available, it is in this case because it started the transfer.  Also, in tc-vcs >2.3.17 it will give an error if the artifact couldn't be found for a particular indexed task.  I'm in the process of upgrading our builders and phone builder images with that, and then can move onto the tester image used here.

In this case, the artifact fact was found and was being downloaded, but it was just too slow (<500 kB/s) for too long (> 30 seconds I think). 

Looking at when this task was run and when the cache for gaia was created, it's possible that there was slow transfer from us-west-1 (where the ec2 instance was) and us-west-2 (where the artifact in s3 lives).  If I recall correctly (I would need to double check this), our s3-copy-proxy will copy to the requesting region but in the meantime, will redirect the client to the canonical region in us-west-2 for an artifact until the copy is completed.
Flags: needinfo?(garndt)
nice, it sounds like we have a proactive solution to this.  Now to figure out how to get test timeouts in a different bug :)  I will wait to see how many issues show up with this bug over the next couple of days.
:garndt, we are seeing a lot of these errors still, can you check your monitoring and see if anything stands out? Maybe we have small time windows where a lot happens, 16 issues today, 246 yesterday (Sunday), 24 last Friday.

The more issues we can pinpoint the better!
Flags: needinfo?(garndt)
Spot checking some of these it appears a majority of the time is spent within the tests (usually around 56-58 minutes of the 1 hour max run time) and eventually time out.

I checked out some metrics related to these instances, and it appears that a majority of them are running out of memory.

Is the spike in these failing around the same time a majority of these instances on m1.medium?
Flags: needinfo?(garndt)
ah, I overlooked the obvious!  lets split the R(J) jobs into 2 chunks, :armenzg, can you look at splitting Jsreftests into 2 chunks?
Flags: needinfo?(armenzg)
I will.
Flags: needinfo?(armenzg)
Armen, can we do mochitest-plain in more chunks, we are hitting the 3600 second timeout on chunk 4 many times.  Maybe 15?  5 of the jobs are >40 minutes, most in the 50+ minute range with chunk 4 at 55 minutes+.  The other 5 are in the 15-22 minute range.  We should verify that --chunk-by-runtime is defined as well.
Flags: needinfo?(armenzg)
Working on it. Bug 1242502.
Flags: needinfo?(armenzg)
A change landed yesterday and it got merged today.
We will have few more instances but this should quite down (including today):
rail, funzise tasks have started spiking up (scroll down):
[funsize] Publish to Balrog (today-2, chunk 4, subchunk 1)
It seems that funsize accounts for more than half of all these occurrences and most occurred on the 26th.
Flags: needinfo?(rail)
I looked at those and most of them are timeout due to balrog submission retries. This is a known issue and aki is going to look at new worker type for balrog submission.
Flags: needinfo?(rail)
wow, 75 failures in the last week on Aurora!  This looks all related to funsize stuff.  :bhearsum, can you take a look at this?
Flags: needinfo?(bhearsum)
(In reply to Joel Maher (:jmaher) from comment #122)
> wow, 75 failures in the last week on Aurora!  This looks all related to
> funsize stuff.  :bhearsum, can you take a look at this?

It looks like Aki is going to be looking at this (maybe in a roundabout way) soon, based on comment #119.
Flags: needinfo?(bhearsum) → needinfo?(rail)
We can retry harder, but I'm not sure if it's going to be better...
Flags: needinfo?(rail)
ok, if :aki is reworking the balrog submission that sounds like it should resolve this funsize stuff.  Is this a March thing or a Q2 thing?  This specific error is pretty high on the orange factor list.
:aki, can you comment on when your work for the new balrog worker will be completed and in pace?
:rail, is there anything else we can do in the meantime?
Flags: needinfo?(aki)
:jmaher, currently this looks like a [mid-?]q2 thing.
Flags: needinfo?(aki)
thanks :aki!  I wonder if there are ways to reduce this error outside of the new balrog worker in the short term.  If not, this doesn't seem to be getting much worse, it is still one of the top issues the sheriffs have to star though.
Depends on: 1259423
Summary: Intermittent [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 3600 seconds. Force killing container. → Intermittent [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 3600 seconds. Force killing container. / [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 5400 seconds. Force killing container.
This got very frequent. Joel, can you investigate if this caused by a performance regression, please?
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
ok this is 2 issues:
* linux64 debug xpcshell (chunk 4/5 are hitting the 1 hour limit)- this is already fixed as this is now 10 chunks
* linux64 debug mda, 1 chunk, hitting the 55+ minutes normally

I am testing a patch on try to see if I can split mda into 2 chunks
ok, mda needs 3 chunks but doing so yields a failure in test_zmedia_cleanup.html:

I am thinking it might be better to just extend the timeout.

:dminor, can you weigh in here and figure out if we need a longer timeout or should split this up and make it green?
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher) → needinfo?(dminor)
So it looks like test_zmedia_cleanup.html was added as a hacky of way of cleaning up network state for B2G testing and doesn't actually test anything. We have a Bug 1188120 on file to remove it, I'm going to see if we can go ahead and do that. I've hit lots of intermittent failures with that test.
Flags: needinfo?(dminor)
:dminor, would you be fine splitting this to 3 chunks for linux64 debug?
dminor, or would you rather see a longer timeout?
Depends on: 1188120
Flags: needinfo?(dminor)
Extending the timeout is fine by me.
Flags: needinfo?(dminor)
Comment on attachment 8754427 [details]
MozReview Request: Bug 1204281 - split linux64 debug taskcluster M(mda) into 3 chunks. r?dminor

Please revise the commit message to reflect changing the timeout rather than splitting the test into three chunks.
Attachment #8754427 - Flags: review?(dminor) → review+
last patch had an indentation problem and broke the tree!  this is what I get for landing code after just removing unused lines from a patch and accidentally hitting the space bar.

also mozreview doesn't work here as there is already some parent review request.
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
Attachment #8754532 - Flags: review?(dminor)
Comment on attachment 8754532 [details] [diff] [review]
increase timeout to 5400 seconds

Review of attachment 8754532 [details] [diff] [review]:

Attachment #8754532 - Flags: review?(dminor) → review+
:dustin, can you help me out here?  I extended the timeout from 3600 -> 5400 and we are still getting 5400 second timeouts.

example job:

code I used to fix the timeout:

I tested this on try server with a few different cycles and never saw the timeout, but it could have been luck that my jobs finished in <60 minutes.
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
The maxRunTime on is still 3600.  However, timeout, which is not a parameter that means anything to docker-worker, is set to 5400.  I think you want to set maxRunTime to 5400 :)
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
thanks Dustin for the pointer, this should resolve things.
Attachment #8756500 - Flags: review?(dminor)
Attachment #8756500 - Flags: review?(dminor) → review+
current issue is that we run out of time on the job- it is normally 55 minutes- take some slowdown for a failed test or cleanup/symbols and we cross the 60 minute threshold.

What really makes this difficult is that the times are so variable due to the docker image download/setup.  I cannot just load the meta data in treeherder, I have to click on each log file which takes a long time (i.e. this random docker setup is making life harder)

My overall impression here is that we need 1 or 2 more chunks, but for now I would like to just bump this up to 90 minutes.  It is foolish to split this into more chunks until we can realistically reduce the 20 minute blocks of randomness in the docker setup.
Comment on attachment 8763502 [details] [diff] [review]
increase browser-chrome timeout from 60 to 90 minutes

Review of attachment 8763502 [details] [diff] [review]:

looks good, thanks joel!
Attachment #8763502 - Flags: review?(cbook) → review+
Pushed by
90 minute timeout for linux64 mochitest-browser-chrome chunks. r=Tomcat
Backed out for gecko-decision opt failures:

Push with failure:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/workspace/gecko/taskcluster/", line 151, in taskgraph_decision
    return taskgraph.decision.taskgraph_decision(options)
  File "/workspace/gecko/taskcluster/taskgraph/", line 79, in taskgraph_decision
    create_tasks(tgg.optimized_task_graph, tgg.label_to_taskid)
  File "/workspace/gecko/taskcluster/taskgraph/", line 61, in create_tasks
  File "/workspace/gecko/python/futures/concurrent/futures/", line 396, in result
    return self.__get_result()
  File "/workspace/gecko/python/futures/concurrent/futures/", line 55, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/workspace/gecko/taskcluster/taskgraph/", line 73, in _create_task
  File "/workspace/gecko/python/requests/requests/", line 840, in raise_for_status
    raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://taskcluster/queue/v1/task/UINhsKfoSF-0VKRdHS6uVA
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
Hi Dustin, can you take a look at the patch and check what's wrong with it? Thank you.
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
I believe the problem with the patch is that I had 2 space indentation vs 4 space indentation (wrong it scope creep!).
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
The actual error was quite a ways up in the logfile, and indicated a JSON schema failure because maxRunTime was added at the task, rather than task.payload, level.
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Comment on attachment 8763826 [details] [diff] [review]
increase browser-chrome timeout from 60 to 90 minutes (v.2)

r+ and fingers crossed - try looked also ok
Attachment #8763826 - Flags: review?(cbook) → review+
Pushed by
90 minute timeout for linux64 mochitest-browser-chrome chunks. r=Tomcat
:gbrown, looking at orangefactor in the previous comment, the majority of the 29 failures are linux64 asan tests, primarily:
* [TC] Linux64 mochitest-media-e10s
* [TC] Linux64 xpcshell-6

can you investigate those and fix the timeouts or split up the tests accordingly?
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
Pushed by
Adjust chunks and maxRunTime to avoid tc Linux x86 intermittent timeouts; r=me
Thanks! Hope this will do the trick...
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
Summary: Intermittent [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 3600 seconds. Force killing container. / [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 5400 seconds. Force killing container. → Intermittent [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 3600 seconds. Force killing container. / [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 5400 seconds. Force killing container. / [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 7200 seconds. Force killing container.
Pushed by
Increase Android maxRunTime to avoid timeouts; r=me
oh fun, of the 35 posted results for yesterday this is a random mix of jobs, which means there is probably no easy win to fix stuff here.  What we need to do is fix the error messages in general.
Android mochitest-chrome timeouts dominate recent reports here; those are being addressed in bug 1287455.
Depends on: 1293261
Pushed by
Adjust chunks and maxRunTime to avoid tc Android mochitest-media and xpcshell timeouts; r=me
:aki, can you look into these funsize issues?  It was said back in February that you were doing a new funsize worker and that would fix most of this problem.
Flags: needinfo?(aki)
(In reply to Rail Aliiev [:rail] from comment #119)
> I looked at those and most of them are timeout due to balrog submission
> retries. This is a known issue and aki is going to look at new worker type
> for balrog submission.

It looks like this is still the case.  I think this is the same issue being worked on in bug 1284516, but maybe bhearsum can give more information.
Component: General → General Automation
Flags: needinfo?(aki) → needinfo?(bhearsum)
Product: Taskcluster → Release Engineering
QA Contact: catlee
(In reply to Joel Maher ( :jmaher) from comment #223)
> :aki, can you look into these funsize issues?  It was said back in February
> that you were doing a new funsize worker and that would fix most of this
> problem.

This would be Balrog Worker, which isn't done yet. was tracking that work, I'm not sure of the current status though.

(In reply to Dustin J. Mitchell [:dustin] from comment #224)
> (In reply to Rail Aliiev [:rail] from comment #119)
> > I looked at those and most of them are timeout due to balrog submission
> > retries. This is a known issue and aki is going to look at new worker type
> > for balrog submission.
> It looks like this is still the case.  I think this is the same issue being
> worked on in bug 1284516, but maybe bhearsum can give more information.

Yep, all still true. We're trying a couple of things to mitigate in bug 1284516.
Flags: needinfo?(bhearsum)
Pushed by
Adjust chunks and max run time for Android mochitests; r=me
Summary: Intermittent [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 3600 seconds. Force killing container. / [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 5400 seconds. Force killing container. / [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 7200 seconds. Force killing container. → Intermittent [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 3600, 5400, 7200, 10800 seconds. Force killing container.
Fine, that doesn't work, let's see if the word 'or' works around treeherder's broken search.
Summary: Intermittent [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 3600, 5400, 7200, 10800 seconds. Force killing container. → Intermittent [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 3600 or 5400 or 7200 or 10800 seconds. Force killing container.
Summary: Intermittent [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 3600 or 5400 or 7200 or 10800 seconds. Force killing container. → Intermittent [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 3600 seconds. Force killing container. / [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 5400 seconds. Force killing container. / [taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 7200 seconds. Force killing container.
Blocks: 1306635
Pushed by
Adjust chunks for Android xpcshell tests to avoid intermittent timeouts; r=me
something odd happened here on November 8th/9th (I think the 9th) and bc3/bc4 on linux64 asan e10s is taking longer.  Possibly investigating times before/after the 9th and seeing if we are right at the limit for 3600 seconds.  Either more chunks or longer timeout- I prefer the more chunks approach.
Assignee: nobody → gbrown
Depends on: 1317390
Depends on: 1321605
About half of the recent failures here are Android; I suspect those are a consequence of bug 1321605. Selecting, for instance, a recent mozilla-central Android Debug crashtest-5 timeout after 60 minutes and comparing to recent mozilla-central successful runs of Android crashtest-5, I see those complete in 30 to 40 minutes. Unfortunately, these timeout failures do not include all the artifacts, so the recently added android-performance.log is missing from these failures...I'll try to sort out bug 1321605 some other way.
Recent Linux failures are more consistent, always in test-linux64/debug-mochitest-media-e10s, and ending in:

[task 2017-02-11T00:45:42.283184Z] 00:45:42     INFO - [Child 5240] WARNING: MsgDropped in ContentChild: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/ipc/ContentChild.cpp, line 2049
[task 2017-02-11T00:45:42.283380Z] 00:45:42     INFO - [Child 5240] WARNING: '!contentChild->SendAccumulateChildKeyedHistogram(keyedAccumulationsToSend)', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/toolkit/components/telemetry/TelemetryIPCAccumulator.cpp, line 215
[task 2017-02-11T00:45:44.284873Z] 00:45:44     INFO - ###!!! [Child][MessageChannel] Error: (msgtype=0x4400FD,name=PContent::Msg_AccumulateChildKeyedHistogram) Closed channel: cannot send/recv
[task 2017-02-11T00:45:44.286157Z] 00:45:44     INFO - [Child 5240] WARNING: MsgDropped in ContentChild: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/ipc/ContentChild.cpp, line 2049
[task 2017-02-11T00:45:44.286317Z] 00:45:44     INFO - [Child 5240] WARNING: '!contentChild->SendAccumulateChildKeyedHistogram(keyedAccumulationsToSend)', file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/toolkit/components/telemetry/TelemetryIPCAccumulator.cpp, line 215

[taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 5400 seconds. Force killing container.
Depends on: 1339568
Depends on: 1341466
Depends on: 1342963
I believe we have documented the main failures in the related bugs.  Ideally within the next week we should see a reduction.
Whiteboard: [stockwell needswork]
I believe the work to reduce this a bit is still in bug 1341466- waiting on a fix there.
the android failures are reduced (almost 100%), but linux64 is spiked a bit.

linux* debug mochitest-media-e10s-2
linux64 asan browser-chrome-e10s-4

lets see if this continues the same pattern, then look into it
Linux mochitest-media failures are very likely bug 1339568.
there is a mix of mochitest-media-e10s-2 and mochitest-browser-chrome for linux; maybe we could do some try pushes and try to reduce the failures in mochitest-media-e10s-2 to determine which test (or set of tests) is causing this crash?  this doesn't appear in mochitest-media-e10s-1, so I am optimistic this can be narrowed down a bit more.
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
I agree there probably is some test or set of tests that is "causing" the shutdown hangs in mochitest-media-e10s-2, and bisection on try should be able to find it...but it will require a lot of retries. We rarely see more than 20 such shutdown hangs in a week, and those are evenly distributed across linux-debug, linux64-debug, and linux64-asan, each of which run 100+ times per week - so maybe 1 failure in 20 on one of those platforms. The last time I tried, I could not reproduce the shutdown hang on try at all (probably just bad luck).
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
Depends on: 1353016
maybe splitting this into 4 chunks for linux would help reduce the scope here?
See - mochitest-media shutdown hang possibly isolated to about 50 tests.
I reviewed recent linux asan e10s mochitest-bc failures, which timed out after 3600 seconds. Those jobs were progressing before the time out - as though they would succeed with more time. I didn't see errors or temporary hangs in the logs. And yet, the same jobs *normally* run in 45 minutes or less -- I don't think I can justify increasing chunks or max time.
is it possible that we have more overhead in setting up and then taskcluster is timing out; so if we spend 18 minutes setting up docker, and 42 minutes running tests, then we cross the threshold; if docker is already setup, then we spend 1 minute with that setup and 42 minutes testing- much faster.
Setting up the docker image does take a lot of time, but it seems that the 3600 second clock doesn't start ticking until after that's complete.

[taskcluster 2017-04-05 22:02:15.355Z] Decompressing downloaded image
[taskcluster 2017-04-05 22:05:36.493Z] Loading docker image from downloaded archive.
[taskcluster 2017-04-05 22:29:37.849Z] Image 'public/image.tar.zst' from task 'K_S2d2yZTUidRxtsaRZiyA' loaded.  Using image ID sha256:2439f499c56d78844c3f8ff1166c772f9a3d7ee0f21b205483be73388698b37e.
[taskcluster 2017-04-05 22:29:38.270Z] === Task Starting ===
[taskcluster:error] Task timeout after 3600 seconds. Force killing container.
[taskcluster 2017-04-05 23:29:39.088Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2017-04-05 23:29:39.090Z] Unsuccessful task run with exit code: -1 completed in 5391.512 seconds
looking at the data for the last week, I see:
8 - linux64 debug mochitest-media-e10s-2
7 - linux64 asan mochitest-media-e10s-2
6 - linux32 debug mochitest-media-e10s-2
10 - linux64 asan bc-e10s-* (2,4,5,6,8)

1 - linux64 debug bc-e10s-16
1 - linux64 debug mochitest-3
1 - linux64 qr debug reftest-e10s-6
1 - linux64 asan bc-2 (non e10s)
1 - linux32 debug xpcshell-8
1 - linux32 debug bc-15
1 - linux32 debug mochitest-9
13 - android debug *
1 - linux64 asan xpcshell-8
2 - linux64-stylo builds

21 of the 53 are media-e10s-2, that is sizeable.  Looking at this log:

I see 14 minutes into the task:
task 2017-04-16T03:44:21.424292Z] 03:44:21     INFO - GECKO(2762) | Hit MOZ_CRASH(Shutdown too long, probably frozen, causing a crash.) at /home/worker/workspace/build/src/toolkit/components/terminator/nsTerminator.cpp:159
[task 2017-04-16T03:44:21.508232Z] 03:44:21     INFO - GECKO(2762) | #01: _pt_root [nsprpub/pr/src/pthreads/ptthread.c:219]
[task 2017-04-16T03:44:21.508326Z] 03:44:21     INFO - 
[task 2017-04-16T03:44:21.509149Z] 03:44:21     INFO - GECKO(2762) | #02: + 0x76ba
[task 2017-04-16T03:44:21.509304Z] 03:44:21     INFO - 
[task 2017-04-16T03:44:21.509355Z] 03:44:21     INFO - GECKO(2762) | #03: + 0x10682d
[task 2017-04-16T03:44:21.509389Z] 03:44:21     INFO - 
[task 2017-04-16T03:44:21.509715Z] 03:44:21     INFO - GECKO(2762) | #04: ??? (???:???)
[task 2017-04-16T03:44:21.509805Z] 03:44:21     INFO - GECKO(2762) | ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child 3006

this is after finishing the tests in /tests/dom/media/tests/mochitest/identity/ and we were shutting down and cycling the browser as we do between all directories.

I see very similar patterns in many of the other linux64-debug media-e10s-2 logs, except it isn't always the identity directory.

looking at linux64-asan, I see a similar pattern- but more data, for example in this log:

I see:
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:26.817173Z] 07:18:26     INFO - GECKO(3229) | ASAN:DEADLYSIGNAL
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:26.818010Z] 07:18:26     INFO - GECKO(3229) | =================================================================
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:26.819006Z] 07:18:26     INFO - GECKO(3229) | ==3229==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x000000000000 (pc 0x7fbddb0eb3de bp 0x7fbd9afaed70 sp 0x7fbd9afaed60 T346)
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:26.819829Z] 07:18:26     INFO - GECKO(3229) | ==3229==The signal is caused by a WRITE memory access.
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:26.820613Z] 07:18:26     INFO - GECKO(3229) | ==3229==Hint: address points to the zero page.
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.039049Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) | ###!!! [Child][MessageChannel] Error: (msgtype=0x4800FA,name=PContent::Msg_AccumulateChildKeyedHistograms) Closed channel: cannot send/recv
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.225624Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #0 0x7fbddb0eb3dd in mozilla::(anonymous namespace)::RunWatchdog(void*) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/toolkit/components/terminator/nsTerminator.cpp:159:5
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.227035Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #1 0x7fbde75d8c93 in _pt_root /home/worker/workspace/build/src/nsprpub/pr/src/pthreads/ptthread.c:216:5
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.231239Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #2 0x7fbdeb849e99 in start_thread /build/eglibc-FTTGU2/eglibc-2.15/nptl/pthread_create.c:308
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.273393Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #3 0x7fbdea9452ec in clone /build/eglibc-FTTGU2/eglibc-2.15/misc/../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:112
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.273481Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) | AddressSanitizer can not provide additional info.
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.273605Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) | SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: SEGV /home/worker/workspace/build/src/toolkit/components/terminator/nsTerminator.cpp:159:5 in mozilla::(anonymous namespace)::RunWatchdog(void*)
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.273678Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) | Thread T346 (Shutdow~minator) created by T0 here:
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.276187Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #0 0x4a3b76 in __interceptor_pthread_create /builds/slave/moz-toolchain/src/llvm/projects/compiler-rt/lib/asan/
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.277645Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #1 0x7fbde75d5a39 in _PR_CreateThread /home/worker/workspace/build/src/nsprpub/pr/src/pthreads/ptthread.c:457:14
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.279294Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #2 0x7fbde75d564e in PR_CreateThread /home/worker/workspace/build/src/nsprpub/pr/src/pthreads/ptthread.c:548:12
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.280508Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #3 0x7fbddb0ebba7 in CreateSystemThread /home/worker/workspace/build/src/toolkit/components/terminator/nsTerminator.cpp:73:22
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.281842Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #4 0x7fbddb0ebba7 in StartWatchdog /home/worker/workspace/build/src/toolkit/components/terminator/nsTerminator.cpp:395
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.284486Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #5 0x7fbddb0ebba7 in Start /home/worker/workspace/build/src/toolkit/components/terminator/nsTerminator.cpp:359
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.286411Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #6 0x7fbddb0ebba7 in mozilla::nsTerminator::Observe(nsISupports*, char const*, char16_t const*) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/toolkit/components/terminator/nsTerminator.cpp:450
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.287626Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #7 0x7fbdd19edb1c in nsObserverList::NotifyObservers(nsISupports*, char const*, char16_t const*) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/ds/nsObserverList.cpp:112:19
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.288976Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #8 0x7fbdd19f1514 in nsObserverService::NotifyObservers(nsISupports*, char const*, char16_t const*) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/ds/nsObserverService.cpp:281:19
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.290641Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #9 0x7fbddaf59c55 in nsAppStartup::Quit(unsigned int) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/toolkit/components/startup/nsAppStartup.cpp:461:19
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.292582Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #10 0x7fbdd1af1ba1 in NS_InvokeByIndex /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/reflect/xptcall/md/unix/xptcinvoke_asm_x86_64_unix.S:115
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.293949Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #11 0x7fbdd31dbd74 in Invoke /home/worker/workspace/build/src/js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp:2010:12
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.295588Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #12 0x7fbdd31dbd74 in Call /home/worker/workspace/build/src/js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp:1329
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.297049Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #13 0x7fbdd31dbd74 in XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext&, XPCWrappedNative::CallMode) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp:1296
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.298443Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #14 0x7fbdd31e2f1c in XPC_WN_CallMethod(JSContext*, unsigned int, JS::Value*) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNativeJSOps.cpp:983:12
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.299930Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #15 0x3fea13eff1e3  (<unknown module>)
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.301257Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #16 0x621001b0684f  (<unknown module>)
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.302650Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #17 0x3fea13c878a5  (<unknown module>)
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.305155Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #18 0x7fbddb81faa2 in EnterBaseline(JSContext*, js::jit::EnterJitData&) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/js/src/jit/BaselineJIT.cpp:160:9
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.306743Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #19 0x7fbddb81f307 in js::jit::EnterBaselineMethod(JSContext*, js::RunState&) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/js/src/jit/BaselineJIT.cpp:200:28
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.308468Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #20 0x7fbddb5a9165 in js::RunScript(JSContext*, js::RunState&) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:385:41
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.310046Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #21 0x7fbddb5da5d8 in js::InternalCallOrConstruct(JSContext*, JS::CallArgs const&, js::MaybeConstruct) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:473:15
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.311189Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #22 0x7fbddb5dae02 in js::Call(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, js::AnyInvokeArgs const&, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:519:10
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.312381Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #23 0x7fbddbf5a323 in JS_CallFunctionValue(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JS::HandleValueArray const&, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value>) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/js/src/jsapi.cpp:2826:12
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.314441Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #24 0x7fbdd407c334 in nsFrameMessageManager::ReceiveMessage(nsISupports*, nsIFrameLoader*, bool, nsAString const&, bool, mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData*, mozilla::jsipc::CpowHolder*, nsIPrincipal*, nsTArray<mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData>*) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/base/nsFrameMessageManager.cpp:1108:14
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.316220Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #25 0x7fbdd407d068 in nsFrameMessageManager::ReceiveMessage(nsISupports*, nsIFrameLoader*, bool, nsAString const&, bool, mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData*, mozilla::jsipc::CpowHolder*, nsIPrincipal*, nsTArray<mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData>*) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/base/nsFrameMessageManager.cpp:1138:29
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.317351Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #26 0x7fbdd407d068 in nsFrameMessageManager::ReceiveMessage(nsISupports*, nsIFrameLoader*, bool, nsAString const&, bool, mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData*, mozilla::jsipc::CpowHolder*, nsIPrincipal*, nsTArray<mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData>*) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/base/nsFrameMessageManager.cpp:1138:29
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.318885Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #27 0x7fbdd407d068 in nsFrameMessageManager::ReceiveMessage(nsISupports*, nsIFrameLoader*, bool, nsAString const&, bool, mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData*, mozilla::jsipc::CpowHolder*, nsIPrincipal*, nsTArray<mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData>*) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/base/nsFrameMessageManager.cpp:1138:29
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.320432Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #28 0x7fbdd4079a79 in nsFrameMessageManager::ReceiveMessage(nsISupports*, nsIFrameLoader*, nsAString const&, bool, mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData*, mozilla::jsipc::CpowHolder*, nsIPrincipal*, nsTArray<mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData>*) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/base/nsFrameMessageManager.cpp:917:10
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.321941Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #29 0x7fbdd745ba7d in mozilla::dom::TabParent::ReceiveMessage(nsString const&, bool, mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData*, mozilla::jsipc::CpowHolder*, nsIPrincipal*, nsTArray<mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData>*) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp:2414:14
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.323074Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #30 0x7fbdd746a31f in mozilla::dom::TabParent::RecvAsyncMessage(nsString const&, nsTArray<mozilla::jsipc::CpowEntry>&&, IPC::Principal const&, mozilla::dom::ClonedMessageData const&) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp:1607:8
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.324261Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #31 0x7fbdd2ddc871 in mozilla::dom::PBrowserParent::OnMessageReceived(IPC::Message const&) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/obj-firefox/ipc/ipdl/PBrowserParent.cpp:1644:20
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.327795Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #32 0x7fbdd2f555d3 in mozilla::dom::PContentParent::OnMessageReceived(IPC::Message const&) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/obj-firefox/ipc/ipdl/PContentParent.cpp:3083:28
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.328916Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #33 0x7fbdd288deb0 in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::DispatchAsyncMessage(IPC::Message const&) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1872:25
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.329960Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #34 0x7fbdd288a6f7 in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::DispatchMessage(IPC::Message&&) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1807:17
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.331106Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #35 0x7fbdd288cb24 in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::RunMessage(mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::MessageTask&) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1680:5
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.332211Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #36 0x7fbdd288d126 in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::MessageTask::Run() /home/worker/workspace/build/src/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1713:15
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.333689Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #37 0x7fbdd1ad7410 in nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool, bool*) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThread.cpp:1269:14
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.335265Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #38 0x7fbdd1af1ba1 in NS_InvokeByIndex /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/reflect/xptcall/md/unix/xptcinvoke_asm_x86_64_unix.S:115
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.336778Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #39 0x7fbdd31dbd74 in Invoke /home/worker/workspace/build/src/js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp:2010:12
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.338161Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #40 0x7fbdd31dbd74 in Call /home/worker/workspace/build/src/js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp:1329
[task 2017-04-11T07:18:27.339239Z] 07:18:27     INFO - GECKO(3229) |     #41 0x7fbdd31dbd74 in XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext&, XPCWrappedNative::CallMode) /home/worker/workspace/build/src/js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp:1296

looking in more detail about the media-e10s-2 failures, on asan, I looked at 2 logs:


there is a 45 second difference from when the browser starts up to when we run browser_closeTabSpecificPanels.js.  The failure case has more of these, in fact 506 seconds of slower runTime overall- this would account for us timing out.

while this doesn't account for everything, should we increase the total runtime and/or debug why startup is taking so long?
The nsTerminator crash is discussed in bug 1339568.
(In reply to Joel Maher ( :jmaher) from comment #325)
> looking in more detail about the media-e10s-2 failures, on asan, I looked at 2 logs:

It looks like those logs are from mochitest-bc-e10s-5 jobs. Right?

> there is a 45 second difference from when the browser starts up to when we
> run browser_closeTabSpecificPanels.js.  The failure case has more of these,
> in fact 506 seconds of slower runTime overall- this would account for us
> timing out.

I see the 45 seconds, but startup often takes 20 seconds anyway on a "good" run, I'd say, so ~ +25 seconds? I see that.
I'm not sure I see the 506 seconds...but if you do, that seems interesting.
> while this doesn't account for everything, should we increase the total
> runtime and/or debug why startup is taking so long?

It looks like some linux64-asan mochitest-bc chunks, especially e10s ones, are running a little long...longer than I recall from my check in comment 320. Maybe more chunks are in order?
we have 16 chunks on linux debug, we should go from 10 to 16 for asan :)
Comment on attachment 8859398 [details] [diff] [review]
increase linux64-asan mochitest-bc chunks from 10 to 16

Review of attachment 8859398 [details] [diff] [review]:

nice an simple
Attachment #8859398 - Flags: review?(jmaher) → review+
Pushed by
Increase number of test chunks for linux64-asan mochitest-bc; r=jmaher
backed out since i guess this caused because it seems this only affects asan
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
Backout by
Backed out changeset 72abcde6295f for suspicion this cause asan test failures
Failures persisted after my backout: see
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
Pushed by
Increase number of test chunks for linux64-asan mochitest-bc; r=jmaher
No new asan mochitest-bc failures - it looks like the new chunks worked.

Bug 1339568 continues, accounting for about 50% of recent failures.
Bug 1339568 continues, accounting for about 50% of recent failures.

There is a new problem which may be actionable: linux32-debug mochitest-6 and mochitest-e10s-6 are running more than twice as long as other chunks, sometimes timing out at 5400 seconds.
possibly a few tests or a set of tests are much longer than before?  That could be actionable in addition to more chunks.

00:47:55     INFO - SUITE-START | Running 1589 tests
00:49:36     INFO - Slowest: 4874ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/dom-level0/test_innerWidthHeight_script.html
01:09:15     INFO - Slowest: 4894ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/dom-level1-core/test_PIsetdatanomodificationallowederrEE.html
01:17:55     INFO - Slowest: 3974ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/dom-level2-core/test_attrgetownerelement01.html
01:43:16     INFO - Slowest: 4553ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/dom-level2-html/test_HTMLDocument11.html
01:53:00     INFO - Slowest: 140574ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/fetch/test_fetch_cors_sw_reroute.html
01:54:10     INFO - Slowest: 3727ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/gamepad/test_check_timestamp.html
01:58:28     INFO - Slowest: 11641ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/general/test_storagePermissionsAccept.html
01:59:24     INFO - Slowest: 8476ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/general/test_interfaces_secureContext.html
02:00:23     INFO - Slowest: 3702ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/geolocation/test_geoGetCurrentPositionBlockedInInsecureContext.html
02:02:52     INFO - Slowest: 21787ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/geolocation/test_manyCurrentSerial.html
02:05:16     INFO - Slowest: 11120ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/localstorage/test_localStorageReplace.html
02:06:13     INFO - Slowest: 3289ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/notification/test_bug931307.html
02:07:07     INFO - Slowest: 4003ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/orientation/test_bug507902.html
02:09:52     INFO - Slowest: 109059ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/pointerlock/test_pointerlock-api.html
02:11:25     INFO - Slowest: 8807ms - /tests/dom/tests/mochitest/sessionstorage/test_sessionStorageReplace.html
Huge spike on autoland today for linux64-pgo and opt was fixed by commit (backout bug 1364068).
(In reply to OrangeFactor Robot from comment #347)
> 28 failures in 147 pushes (0.19 failures/push) were associated with this bug
> yesterday.   
> Repository breakdown:
> * mozilla-inbound: 12
> * autoland: 10
> * mozilla-central: 5
> * mozilla-beta: 1
> Platform breakdown:
> * android-4-3-armv7-api15: 20
> * linux32: 4
> * android-api-15-gradle: 2
> * linux64: 1
> * android-4-2-x86: 1

Many of these Android failures were due to repeated tooltool timeouts like:

[task 2017-05-22T14:47:55.831708Z] 14:47:55     INFO - Calling ['/usr/bin/python2.7', '/home/worker/workspace/build/', '--url', 'http://relengapi/tooltool/', 'fetch', '-m', '/home/worker/workspace/build/.android/releng.manifest', '-o', '-c', '/home/worker/tooltool_cache'] with output_timeout 600
[task 2017-05-22T14:47:55.880278Z] 14:47:55     INFO -  INFO - File AVDs-armv7a-android-4.3.1_r1-build-2016-08-02.tar.gz not present in local cache folder /home/worker/tooltool_cache
[task 2017-05-22T14:47:55.881029Z] 14:47:55     INFO -  INFO - Attempting to fetch from 'http://relengapi/tooltool/'...
[task 2017-05-22T14:47:58.807712Z] compiz (core) - Warn: Attempted to restack relative to 0x1600006 which is not a child of the root window or a window compiz owns
[task 2017-05-22T14:57:55.900272Z] 14:57:55     INFO - Automation Error: mozprocess timed out after 600 seconds running ['/usr/bin/python2.7', '/home/worker/workspace/build/', '--url', 'http://relengapi/tooltool/', 'fetch', '-m', '/home/worker/workspace/build/.android/releng.manifest', '-o', '-c', '/home/worker/tooltool_cache']
[task 2017-05-22T14:57:55.906063Z] 14:57:55    ERROR - timed out after 600 seconds of no output
[task 2017-05-22T14:57:55.906387Z] 14:57:55    ERROR - Return code: -9
[task 2017-05-22T14:57:55.906875Z] 14:57:55     INFO - retry: Failed, sleeping 60 seconds before retrying

...presumably a temporary tooltool issue.
(In reply to OrangeFactor Robot from comment #352)
> 21 failures in 167 pushes (0.126 failures/push) were associated with this
> bug yesterday.   

Several of these are test-android-4.3-arm7-api-15/debug-marionette-4. That job doubled in time in this range - I'll try to narrow that down.
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
Depends on: 1369083
Filed 1369083.
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
(In reply to OrangeFactor Robot from comment #356)
> 71 failures in 820 pushes (0.087 failures/push) were associated with this
> bug in the last 7 days. 

About 32 of these are bug 1339568 (linux mochitest-media shutdown hang).
About 23 of these are bug 1369083 (android marionette).
There are a few linux-debug mochitest-6 cases, as in comment 342.
Something has gone wrong in linux64-ccov...need to investigate.
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
Depends on: 1374343
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
Depends on: 1375048
Depends on: 1375550
The linux64-qr spike in debug R-e10s-5 and Ru-e10s-5 seem to be because the log is filled with webrender warnings, the same warnings I noted in bug 1206887 comment 69. Hopefully fixing that will kill this spike. Also interesting is that this spike started more recently than the APZ enabling. In fact it seems to have started when stylo started getting built by default. I'm doing some retriggers on the range to verify, because one of those patches got backed out and relanded so it might give an extra clue.
Thanks kats! I have been trying to sort that out in bug 1375550, but not having much luck. My conclusion was that the warnings and increase in time started with
this has a recent spike, not sure what to do here, but will revisit if this continues with more failures through the weekend.
Android and Stylo crashtests are timing out this week.
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
(In reply to Geoff Brown [:gbrown] from comment #375)
> Android and Stylo crashtests are timing out this week.

Linux (including Stylo) crashtests are under investigation in bug 1381283; Android crashtests in bug 1381839.
Depends on: 1381839, 1381283
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
Almost all current failures are bug 1339568.
Almost all current failures are bug 1339568.
recently we have had a large spike in linux32*/debug failures, looking like timeouts.

I looked over runtimes, they are all over the map from 16 minutes to 100+ minutes for both mochitest-plain and browser-chrome on linux32-debug (gecko||stylo).  if we could balance things out and kept it at 16 chunks we would be between 50-60 minutes for each chunk of mochitest-plain and 75 minutes for each of the 16 browser-chrome chunks.

I then ask:
* why we need to run these so often? (maybe seta for linux*-stylo is needed on autoland?)
* can we balance our chunks out more to have fewer failures
* should we analyze which tests are taking long and see if there are efficiencies we can gain?
* do we need all these tests on linux32 debug?
* should we increase the timeout or the total number of chunks?

:ahal, do you have any thoughts on this subject?
Flags: needinfo?(ahalberstadt)
Yeah, browser-chrome already has --chunk-by-runtime enabled, but I think the data files haven't been updated in about 6 months or so. So updating those might help, I'll file a bug. For mochitest-plain, --chunk-by-runtime is currently disabled, but we could definitely look into enabling it there too.

I'd also be in favour of increasing the timeout if we're hitting it legitimately. Maybe try balancing things out better first. Note: seta would reduce the absolute number of failures here, but wouldn't help reduce the failure rate.
Flags: needinfo?(ahalberstadt)
Depends on: 1393900
Depends on: 1243080
linux32-stylo tests were enabled in bug 1385025; timeouts started almost immediately.
:gbrown, should we push on getting stylo tests setup on SETA to reduce the frequency?
In bug 1393900 I updated the runtimes files and did a try push:

The push looks good, the chunks seem much more balanced. But the maximum runtime (linux debug bc15) is still at ~82 min. If you look at the errorsummary for that job, you'll notice it's only running a single manifest:

Because --chunk-by-runtime doesn't split up manifests this means we are already at the smallest atomic chunk for this particular job and adding more chunks won't lower this max runtime by anything. If 82 min is still too long, we can either:
1) Split that manifest in half
2) Increase the timeout

It's possible there's something going wrong in those tests (like a timeout in each test or something) that's causing them to take so long. So fixing the tests might be a 3rd option.

Joel, I think we should still update the runtimes files, but we'll need a better strategy for dealing with cases when a single manifest exceeds the timeout.
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
if we split/fix browser-common.ini, will that require rebalancing again, as in- should we do that before checking in code to rebalance the chunks?
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher) → needinfo?(ahalberstadt)
No, it won't make a difference, we can do this in either order.
Flags: needinfo?(ahalberstadt)
ok, then lets go forward with your rebalancing numbers
Depends on: 1395148
We have had a few Android Mn-1 timeouts reported here over the last couple of weeks; that job was long-running, normally running in 50-60 minutes, with a 60 minute max run time. With changes for bug 1369827, Android Marionette job run times dropped dramatically -- no need for further action.
Over the last few days, failure rates have dropped, and bug 1339568 dominates (as usual!).

There are a few recent failures in linux32-stylo/debug mochitests...not sure if that's worth follow-up yet.
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
Failures here are an on-going problem, sometimes related to specific tests, sometimes to specific suites, and sometimes due to test infrastructure problems. I'm marking as "infra" loosely, for convenience.
Keywords: leave-open
Whiteboard: [stockwell disable-recommended] → [stockwell infra]
Some Android reftest failures recorded here are likely "caused" by bug 1401035.
Depends on: 1401035
Depends on: 1402347
Depends on: 1246165
Depends on: 1404190
Depends on: 1406213
Depends on: 1407687
Whiteboard: [stockwell infra] → [stockwell needswork]
There was a spike on autoland for timeouts in linux debug jsreftests. It started with bug 1406212, which was backed out for other failures -- seems resolved now.

Bug 1407687 and bug 1339568 remain problematic.
Blocks: 1411358
Dup-ing this to its recent clone since this bug has grown too big and has too much history which is no longer relevant.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
No longer blocks: 1411358
Whiteboard: [stockwell disable-recommended] → [stockwell infra]
Component: General Automation → General
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