Closed Bug 37174 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Scratchpad for Beta 2 release notes


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: verah, Assigned: verah)


(Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-])


(2 files)

Please put your additions and corrections for the Beta2 release notes here. Note: there is a separate bug (bug # 37172) for the M16 release notes.
Target Milestone: --- → M16
Sorry for the spam. New QA Contact for Browser General. Thanks for your help Joseph (good luck with the new job) and welcome aboard Doron Rosenberg
QA Contact: jelwell → doronr
M16 has been out for a while now, these bugs target milestones need to be updated.
Marking fixed... the M16 release notes are out.
M16 release notes are out... marking fixed.
Still trying to mark fixed...
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Finally. Marking verified.
Reopening... this is the tracking bug for the PR2 release notes, not M16.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Target Milestone: M16 → M18
for bug 46000: the application will run out of memory and crash on MacOS after going to only one or two webpages the _first time_ the app is launched. Subsequent launches of the app will be ok. This has to do with registering all the components and not unloading them.
bug 38524: - using the Helper Applications preferences panel to specify a helper application for a given MIME type will cause the preferences dialog to lose focus, but continue to remain modal to the browser window. The result is that the browser must be shut down and restarted. The helper application specified will be added however. This could be a windowing issue. Also, helper applications appear in the tree but text is not displayed, so the list appears to be empty when there are actually entries there. Users can see these entries by clicking in the tree and using the arrow keys to navigate through the available types. For bug 29403 When a user drags any kind of link (whether from the content area or the proxy icon to the url bar), dropping it into bookmarks (e.g. sidebar panel, window) is problematic. The drop action can appear slow, and the bookmark does not pick up the title or other information correctly, and may refuse to present a context menu. I suspect the issue here is with the bookmark being incorrectly or incompletely created when the drop occurs. For 38524: In the Internet Search sidebar panel customize dialog, when a category is renamed, the name display area is not updated to reflect the new name.
Bug 46284 1. Launch Seamonkey 2. Choose Preferences from Edit menu 3. Select Software Installation from Category list 4. Click Install Package button 5. Enter any valid URL and select OK button RESULT: Crash OR From the Preferences dialog, selecting the Software Installation category reveals an Install Package button. Selecting this button and entering any URL may result in a crash. We recommend not using this feature at this time.
Bug 36381 - A crash can occur in the Mac version when viewing java applets, such as the ones found at
Bug 46096. Certificates cannot be restored or received from a certificate server into the Mac version. The only workaround to get a cert into Mac is to acquire a cert using Navigator 4.7X, then copy the two 4.7X files Certificates7 and Key Database3 from System Folder:Preferences:Netscape Users:Profile:Security to Documents:Mozilla:Users50:Profile:Security.
Bug 46447. The Help buttons do not work in the Mac Security Advisor.
bug 46118 known issue for news/newsgroups: Asked for authentication every time when reading the posted articles from NEW news account.(problem is occurring for all the platforms, and ONLY for new profile)
Bug 46027. The Security Advisor in the Mac may not always display properly. Left side tabs may be missing, or the window may appear blank.
bug 37673 known issue for news/newsgroups subscription: News Subscribe dialog doesn't work for some news servers which need authentication first for subscribe newsgroups (problem is occurring for all the platforms)
bug 45922 known issue for News Migration: News Migration: Migration ignore default secure news port 563 (problem is occurring for all the platforms)
Bug 46652 - The Mac version cannot restore a personal certificate in this release.
bug 32551: AOL IMAP: Reply an attached message didn't display the original attached web content
Nominating for nsbeta2 for release notes.
Keywords: nsbeta2, relnote
We don't plus Release note bug. [nsbeta2-]
Keywords: relnoterelnote2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-]
Bug 42213. "Mac-Security prefs not saved to disk" Changes to preferences in the Mac Security Advisor are not saved to disk.
Bug 46664. "WinNT-Cannot restore certs." The windows version cannot restore personal certificates through the Security Advisor. Certificates can still be obtained from a Certificate Server, or by copying the cert7.db and key.db files from a Navigator 4.7 profile to a Mozilla profile.
bug 23856 - FCS will not automatically load some specific plugins (shockwave, acrobat reader, realplayer) from 4.x plugins directory. Workaround will be to install these plugins and have the necessary files in the plugins folder for 6.0 bug 36046 - QuickTime movies fail to display correctly on Mac(offset from where it should actually be placed on the page). There is no workaround available for this.
bug 24847 - Cannot print in Landscape mode on linux. There is no workaround to be able to print in landscape mode.
bug 45067 - installing java with low diskspace seems to leave installer hung on win95. Workaround is to have sufficient disk space so as to avoid this. bug 27407 - Tasks > Tools > Java Console menu to be disabled. There is no workaround to bring up the java console on linux. bug 36381 - Crash when going to on mac. There is no workaround available. The browser crashes when trying to load java applets on mac.
bug 28461 - Java does not work on linux. Pages wil java applets will not load them. There is no workaround at this moment for this.
Bug 37841 - Quitting after using Java crashes Mozilla.When an applet is playing, quitting the browser causes a crash.Workaround will be not to quit the browser while applet is playing. Bug 45687 -Browser hangs when I add a new mime type in Edit|Prefs|Navigator|Helper Apps. No workaround for this. Bug 45710 -Cannot edit mime type, browser freezes.When Edit button is pressed upon selecting a helper app, nothing happens. No workaround Bug 35896- If browser is closed with the Print dialog up, crash occurs. Workaround is to close Print dialog before closing browser.
bug 45409 - Browser hangs when clicked with mouse on text link inside an applet. There is no workaround for this.
bug 44718 - browser hangs after (successfully) printing Bugzilla query result. This problem also affects webpage printing. Workaround is to restart the browser .
Bug 46318: Smart download diaglog hangs in downloading language packs; the animated "N" throbber keeps running - See the bug report for details. The workaround is to click on the toolbar, "Stop", button.
bug 43471- When Save button is pressed while Customizing panels, browser window closes(one) and Customization panel remains open. Workaround to open the browser again(if you had only one open) is to click on the 'Save and Preview' button in the Customization panel window.
bug 1740 in bugscape: Currently, we can't download more than 10 files with the Mac installer due to an indexing problem with the IDI file generation. For PR2, this means users can' get the Japanese language pack while installing (the 11th component). However, users can get the Japanese language pack from Netcenter by going to the 'View|Set Language/Region|Download More' menu per Tao. The latter needs to be release noted for PR2.
bug 39948 If you start Netscape 6 with no profiles, after creating the profile, the profile name is selected but the Start Mozilla button is still disabled, and so are the Rename and Delete profile buttons. Change focus to 'available profile' area or select the profile and buttons will be enabled.
Release note: Bug 47443. Encrypting the stored data on the Mac can cause the Mac to lock up.
All items in this bug incorporated in PR2 release notes draft, up to this point.
one last update..hope this gets in. thanks! Bug 32327 - On mac, while watching a flash /quicktime movie, if dialogs are launched (Prefs,Open Web Location), no chrome is seen(dialogs are blank). Workaround is to leave the page and then launch the dialogs.
Text for 32327 added to notes.
Bug 47920. Release note: "When in secure mode (https), you may not be able to submit a form on the Mac, and thus may not be able to login to secure sites."
Bug 45067: During installation of Java in Netscape 6 PR2, the installer requires additional disk space on the user's computer to complete installation. This is a known issue with the Java installer. The workaround is to increase available disk space on the user's computer before installation.
All items incorporated up to this point.
I think we're done with these release notes... marking fixed.
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
yep...Marking Verified.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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