Closed Bug 761905 (b2g-crash-reporting) Opened 13 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Tracking: Crash reporting for b2g (gonk)


(Toolkit :: Crash Reporting, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set





(Reporter: cjones, Unassigned)



(Keywords: meta)

No description provided.
Alias: b2g-crash-reporting
Blocks: 764615
No longer depends on: 774287
Ted, Robert: Do the dependent bugs here represent the totality of work required for end-to-end B2G crash reporting support?
I just filed two more bugs about things we had discussed that never got filed. I can't think of anything else that's required to make this work. Socorro-side there shouldn't be any changes necessary, unless we add some annotations in bug 777187 that we want exposed.
Barring any new annotations, bug 774290 should probably be the only thing on the Socorro side that we need (and that one is pretty simple), at least for getting some kind of support. For having permanent and really good support, some tuning in reaction to release mechanics could be needed (depending on how that process will work for B2G) and we only can get crash *rates* (crashes/ADU) is we have ADU data or something similar. Being perfect is probably not really in scope for v1, though. ;-)
Depends on: 774290
Keywords: meta
Depends on: 785698
Depends on: 788894
Depends on: 789466
Depends on: 791380
The UI for crash reporting is being tracked on GitHub, BTW:
Depends on: 798048
Depends on: 801809
Depends on: 801810
Depends on: 801925
Depends on: 801926
Depends on: 801931
Depends on: 801932
Depends on: 801934
Depends on: 801938
Depends on: 811335
Depends on: 811341
bug 811483 may be of interest if you wonder which crashes are OOM.
Depends on: 811778
Depends on: 821710
Depends on: 821711
Depends on: 822584
Depends on: 829593
No longer depends on: 830824
Depends on: 832351
Depends on: 703018
Depends on: 829121
Depends on: 821989
Depends on: 832362
Depends on: 832074
Mass closing as we are no longer working on b2g/firefox os.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Mass closing as we are no longer working on b2g/firefox os.
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