Closed Bug 290389 (deermac) Opened 20 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Deer Park Mac Support


(Firefox :: General, defect, P2)






(Reporter: cdbordelon, Assigned: asaf)



(Keywords: meta)

Tracking bug
Nomating bug 292530 related to Tiger.
Assignee: firefox → bugs.mano
Priority: -- → P2
QA Contact: general → joshmoz
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox1.1
also adding some already-fixed (after 1.0) bugs.
Depends on: 274374
Depends on: 245012
bug 203734 seems to be a good candidate
Depends on: 151249, 278377, 293737
maybe some extra polish for OS X: bug 283598?
Alias: deermac
Depends on: 203734
Depends on: 242831
Depends on: 245407
What's this about?
Depends on: 296606
Nominating bug 293663 - the patch in that bug provides drag and drop support of
extensions and themes onto their respective managers as is already available on
other OS's.
Depends on: 298894
Depends on: 299713
Depends on: 231342
Are the following items included in this bug?

 - double-click-drag should select whole words
 - dragging text should show the text instead of a dotted rectangle of fixed size

If these are not child of this bug, should I add them as two new bugs?
Since nobody seems sure what this is about, I'm going to take the wild guess
that it was meant to be about Firefox 1.1, as this is what Deer Park seems to
mean according to the sources I can find.  Changing the summary to make it
clear.  Are the dependencies filed here still appropriate?
Keywords: meta
Summary: Deer Park Mac Support → Firefox 1.1 (Deer Park) Mac Support
Since when has Mac OS X been able to run on a PC, for that matter?
Hardware: PC → Macintosh
Please don't modify my bugs for no good reason,
Summary: Firefox 1.1 (Deer Park) Mac Support → Deer Park Mac Support
Bugzilla belongs equally to all of us.  And I didn't modify anything for no good
reason.  I modified something to make it comprehensible.
(In reply to comment #11)
> Bugzilla belongs equally to all of us.  And I didn't modify anything for no good
> reason.  I modified something to make it comprehensible.

See 2.2:

"No messing with other people's bugs. Unless you are the bug assignee, or have
some say over the use of their time, never change the Priority or Target
Milestone fields. If in doubt, do not change the fields of bugs you do not own -
add a comment instead, suggesting the change."
Depends on: 292879
No longer depends on: 292879
Depends on: 264648
Depends on: 233977
Depends on: 301420
No longer depends on: 301420
I see ... but if everybody asked somebody's permission to correct every little
spelling mistake, inaccuracy or ambiguity, Bugzilla would get rather cluttered.

So, what was the "good reason" for changing it back?  That this is meant to be a
bug that nobody understands the point of and for people to just add dependencies
at random?
Depends on: 301688
Depends on: 102330
Depends on: 301069
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Depends on: 303203
Depends on: 305210
Depends on: 257854
Depends on: 307340
Depends on: 266769
Depends on: 309730
Depends on: 310156
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