Open Bug 1900007 (tb128found) Opened 1 month ago Updated 1 day ago

[meta] Bugs found during testing and initial release of TB128


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Thunderbird 128


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: wsmwk, Unassigned)


(Depends on 15 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1722793 +++


We use this meta to track bugs found ***late in beta 128, and early in 128's life as an esr release. ***[1]

  • Discussion and bug reporting is not permitted in this bug report. Please file your own bug reports.

  • We update this meta during beta of Thunderbird 128 and in the weeks after 128 is released, until roughly 128.2, in part so that people can easily track bugs that are discovered without needing to do their own bug queries or CC themselves to every new bug report. Just CC yourself to this bug.

  • Bugs you find/report during this period may be set to block this bug. But we do not track support requests, enhancement requests, nor bugs that involved add-on API which are only relevant to add-on developers, nor older bug reports ***[1].

  • You can see reported bugs in dependency list link in the References section of this meta bug, or this dependency query. Same bug list in table view.

  • See bug 1772703 the version 102 tracking bug to get a feel for what a built out release meta bug looks like. Version 115 was differently, because the major UI changes starting way back in beta 111 are what concerned us most about the 115 release - see bug 1816577.

  • This is an imperfect tracking process. We try to keep the meta bug updated, but you should assume some 128 related bugs may be missing from this meta bug and may be in this list of potential new v128 bugs not yet blocking this meta bug

***[1] A note about bugs older than this meta bug - This meta bug is NOT intended to capture every bug reported since version 115, i.e. between 116 and 127, nor to gain extra attention to major unresolved issues, nor as a draft for release notes. If a bug needs extra attention, please do some analysis and update that bug with your steps to reproduce, to help it toward being fixed.

Alias: tb128found
Depends on: 1901145
Depends on: 1901147
Depends on: 1901547
Depends on: 1901739
Depends on: 1901846
Depends on: 1900211
Depends on: 1902283
Depends on: 1900916
Depends on: 1897924
Depends on: 1903090
Depends on: 1903093
Depends on: 1903135
Depends on: 1903215
Depends on: 1901439
Depends on: 1902611
Depends on: 1901384
Depends on: 1903556
Depends on: 1903741
Depends on: 1903910
Depends on: 1904072
Depends on: 1904191
Depends on: 1904305
Depends on: 1905014
Depends on: 1905708
Depends on: 1905725
Depends on: 1895737
Depends on: 1905912
Depends on: 1906107
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