Closed Bug 18266 Opened 25 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Query IMAP folders other than INBOX for new msgs


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: BenB, Assigned: emaijala+moz)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


(Keywords: qawanted, Whiteboard: Backend pref for checking all(!) subscribed folders checked in; new patch with ability to select folders waiting for review)


(3 files, 14 obsolete files)

10.86 KB, patch
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10.40 KB, patch
: review+
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20.72 KB, image/jpeg
If filtering is implemented IMAP-server-based, the users has to manually check all possible folders for new msgs. This makes server-based filtering nearly useless. Phil Peterson wrote: > The problem with that is that we don't poll all the IMAP folders for new > messages (only the INBOX).
Assignee: phil → nobody
Summary: [RFE] Query all IMAP folders for new msgs → [HELP WANTED] Query all IMAP folders for new msgs
Whiteboard: [HELP WANTED]
Add to the [HELP WANTED] list. cc'ing mscott and bienvenu for IMAP guidance. Also related, if you were going to make up a more generic biff, is bug 11043
Keywords: helpwanted
Summary: [HELP WANTED] Query all IMAP folders for new msgs → Query all IMAP folders for new msgs
Whiteboard: [HELP WANTED]
*** Bug 38954 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Some notes from the dup bug, plus my own ones: - It has to scale. Some user said he has 100 folders and Outlook needs 20 minutes via a WAN, probably because it establishs a new connection for each folder. I currently have >360 mail folders on my IMAP server (on a LAN), so I have an interest in performance as well :). It would be acceptable, maybe even prefereed, to be able to specify which folders to check. The user should have the ability to turn this feature off (check INBOX only). - Trash Don't biff for new/unseen mail in Trash.
Bug 19254 is related.
Summary: Query all IMAP folders for new msgs → Query IMAP folders other than INBOX for new msgs
isn't that what subscribed folder are for?
I am working on a fix for this. I don't know how to assign the bug to myself. I can implement a simple fix first, to check all folders except trash for new messages, because this won't change any UI. We can see what the performance looks like, and then talk about adding some UI to specify which folders should be checked if necessary (if Subscribe isn't the right thing.) To reproduce without server filtering: Open the mailnews client and connect to an IMAP server. Send a new message to yourself. While the client is still open, use Outlook to connect to the same IMAP server and move the new message to some folder. Close Outlook. Press GetMsg button on the mailnews client. The folder where you moved the message to should indicate that it has a new message in it.
> I can implement a simple fix first, to check all folders except trash for new > messages Please make sure that there is at least a backend pref (a pref without UI) to disable it.
Assignee: nobody → smeredith
> isn't that what subscribed folder are for? No. Subscribed folders are the only ones which are accessible at all. As I said, I have almost 400 personal folders, and I am "subscribed" to most of them.
we're not going to turn this on by default (way way too expensive, and 99% of people don't need it), so it would seem like the hidden backend pref would be to turn this behaviour on.
We need QA to test this hidden pref and to write up test cases, run performance measurements, etc. Putting qawanted.
Keywords: qawanted
I have attached a proposed patch. This code looks for a backend pref (not sure what this should be named--using mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new right now) and if it finds it, checks all folders except trash for new messages. I'm also not sure how to get the new pref inserted into the documentation.
Why are you removing the following lines? I went to some trouble to put them in! - nsCOMPtr<nsIImapIncomingServer> imapServer; - nsresult rv = GetImapIncomingServer(getter_AddRefs(imapServer)); - if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && imapServer) - imapServer->GetDownloadBodiesOnGetNewMail(&m_downloadingFolderForOfflineUse); I'm not crazy about running all these urls simultaneously, instead of chaining them. Have you tried this with a large number of folders? e.g. 20 or 30? More comments later.
I will put those lines back in. Not sure what you mean by chaining the URLs. If you can point me to an example, I'll check it out. I've tried with more than 100 folders and it seems pretty fast.
could you attach a protocol log of such a session? I want to make sure we're not opening 100 connections. Here's how to generate a log:
I'm not familiar with this pref branch stuff. Is that new and improved, better than just getting the pref service and calling GetBoolPref like this: nsCOMPtr<nsIPref> prefs; prefs = do_GetService( NS_PREF_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && prefs) { In any case, you should use do_GetService instead of NS_WITH_SERVICE (which has been deprecated)
From the log it seems that the proposed patch will go and SELECT each mailbox. Wouldn't it be leaner if it just sent a STATUS for each mailbox?
On some servers, yes, that would be faster and easier on the servers. It's what the old Update message counts command did, IIRC. However, it has the drawback of not accounting for deleted but not expunged messages. (If we're just interested in dealing with server-side filters, that's not much of a problem) It would also be harder to code (or an excellent learning experience, depending on how you look at it :-) )
nsIPrefBranch (and nsIPrefService) replace nsIPref which has been deprecated. Steve's patch is "doing the right thing" as far as preferences goes.
yeah, I figured, but my do_GetService comment still applies.
Yep, that's actually my fault... I just found out this morning that NS_WITH_SERVICE was depricated. :(
looks ok, except for one thing that I should have noticed before - GetAllNewMessagesForAllFolders should be a method of nsIImapIncomingServer, not nsImapMailFolder. Does that make sense? You really want to ask the server to get all messages for all its folders, not an imap folder, or the root folder.
I think it's cleaner as a helper function to the existing GetNewMessages() instead of a method of any class, so I've made that change and am attaching a new patch.
think about it in an object-oriented sense. Why would you ask an imap folder to get all messages in all folders? That's something the server object should do.
*** Bug 65567 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 76688 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
QA Contact: lchiang → huang
*** Bug 86564 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Added patch and review keywords. Looking for sr.
Keywords: helpwantedpatch, review
Checked in a fix. For now, if you want to use the feature, you have to set mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new to true in prefs.js. Bug 91246 is to surface this to the UI.
Closed: 24 years ago
Keywords: patch, review
Resolution: --- → FIXED
When I enable this property in 2001072006, mail gets very flaky (inbox filters fail to work, I can't read messages when I select them, compacting the inbox stops). There always seem to be multiple UW IMAP daemons running. If I disable the property, mail behaves well again. Should this be entered as a new bug, or this one reopened?
I'll re-open this. I found a problem or two with this patch that might be related to your problem.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
I am investigating.
I'll just toss this out for discussion: does it make sense to people that the GetMsg button in mail should behave more like it does in news? That is, whatever mail folder is highlighted is the folder that gets checked for new mail, including any subfolders. And if the server itself is highlight, all folders are checked for new mail. Biff would check all folders.
De-lurking here... I'm voting for this bug so that I can configure Mozilla to check for new mail in all IMAP folders. This is primarily how I need biff to work, but I'm currently using 4.7 in POP mode until this gets put into Mozilla (don't ask!), and I often hit "Get new mail" to download all my new mail for all folders. I would like to see that behavior preserved in Mozilla. I'd be willing to accept something esoteric as a compromise, like shift-clicking GetMsg gets mail for all folders, while plain-clicking behaves as Steve described. That, or yet another prefs.js item.
I think if you say to Mozilla: "Hey Moz, check my acounts for new emails", Mozilla should check all acounts and all subfolders. Optionally, you can have right-button menus for saying: "Hey Moz, check only this acount" or "Hey Moz, check only this folder and his subfolders" When this is fixed, maybe will also include a window with a progress bar indicating how many folder are being checked and how log will it take. Oliver
Steve, That sounds great :-) what's Biff? Of course, in an ideal world there'd be a pane somewhere like the 'select folders for offline download' one which you could use to specify what folders on what servers you want to check for mail when you hit 'Get Messages'... cheers, Chris
Biff is the new mail notifier. Steve, do you have an figures on the resources (time, server thread on UW-IMAP) needed per folder? As I said, I have almost 400 folders and counting, and I am scared to even *try* the pref.
No, I don't have such figures. However, you might want to wait--I'm changing the way this works so that the server doesn't get bombed with so many simultanious requests. Seems that some servers don't like that much. I'm going to do the requests one at a time.
If it isn't too much work, it'd be nice to make it a backend-pref. For servers that do like it (both the software and the admin), it'll improve speed quite a lot, I guess.
I hope that when you change it to one request at a time you can still avoid having a spearate login for each folder. That's what kills the performance in other clients that update the counts for all folders, and would make this impractical for reasonably large numbers of folders.
I lean slightly towards having a back-end pref to enable simultaneous requests. I plan to use a private IMAP server on my local machine, so I'm not too worried about load or bandwidth issues. Parallel or serial probably won't make much of a difference in my personal setup -- I just like to see lots of configuration options. :)
So I've redone this, chaining the URLs instead of submitting them all at once. The first command has to complete before the next is sent. It doesn't take much longer--maybe 10 seconds total to check 100 folders on our Netscape mail server. It doesn't authenticate to the server for every folder.
diff -b -u -r1.25 nsIImapIncomingServer.idl - void GetNewMessagesAllFolders(in nsIMsgFolder aRootFolder, in nsIMsgWindow aWindow); + void SetupCheckAllFoldersForNew(); + void GetNewMessagesNextFolder(in nsIMsgWindow aWindow); Isn't the fetch strategy an implementation detail? Can you reuse the old interface? Also, the interface will break, if you implement the "Get only selected folders" as I and others suggested.
I shortly discussed my last comment with Stephen. Please ignore it.
could you attach a -uw diff so I don't see the whitespace changes. Also, you removed the #ifdef DEBUG_bienvenu around an assertion - I'd rather that was left in. Also, you added a switch statement that just has a break, and that should have been handled by the default case just fine, I believe. + case nsIImapUrl::nsImapSelectFolder: + break; Also, going backwards through that array might be a bit surprising for users, unless the array was backwards to start with. In other words, I think the users would expect the counts to get updated from the top down. More comments after you do a -uw diff.
I've made the diff with the -w, but it doesn't help much. One function is being entirely replaced with another with a few of the same lines as the old one, so it's really hard to read as a diff.
Keywords: patch, review
any update on the patch...?
I think the last patch I attached is better--waiting for feedback from the mailnews guys.
Keywords: nsenterprise
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.4
I've read through the comments posted for this bug, but haven't gotten a good sense what the status of this bug is. But, that's ok, too. I just wanted to mention on thing about Maildir format IMAP servers - contrary to MBOX style servers, Maildir's have three folders: cur,new,tmp (I'm not positive on the last one, but the last one isn't important for this message). In any case - it would seem that checking the 'new' folder for each IMAP Maildir might be pretty fast, compared w/ MBOX style mail folders. Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on IMAP protocols, I'm not sure what all is involved here. Just wanted to toss this in. I know when I was setting up my mail server w/ qmail & courier-imap (both using Maildir) one of the things it mentioned was performance benefits of not having to parse through the entire MBOX to find a new message. Maybe this is all server side and it doesn't matter to Mozilla, but if it does - I figure I ought to bring it up! Btw, is this usable now? I've been kind of waiting to do server-side filtering myself because of the lack of this capability. -Brice
I've added this in prefs "mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new to true" and its been working fine until the latest nightly build for Solaris 2.6 where it no longer works :-(. The last Solaris build was 8/17 - any updates coming soon?
Hello, Just tried this option in my prefs but unfortunatly this has spawned another bug for me. My IMAP server does not support "folders that messages AND subfolders" but is does support "folders that messages OR subfolders" and I have plenty set up. Whenever I click on a folder that has subfolders (i.e. no messages - just used for catogorisation/filing) it says "The command did not succeed. The mail server responded: SELECT failed: Can't open xxxxxx: not a selectable mailbox." where xxx is the name of a folder. This is fine and I would expect this error to be thrown as the mailbox does not contain any messages. Unfortunatly, when the check_all_imap_folders_for_new is set, every time my mail is checked, it displays quite a few of these error message one after the other! This is very annoying and requires quite a few clicks to get rid of them all! Is there a hidden pref to disable this message completely (or at least during a check all routine). If not can someone add one? Many thanks
Please disregard the last comment. It was my fault. My .mailboxlist file was incorrect (through no fault of mozilla's) and did not contain delimiting forward slashes at the end of folder names. Sorry for the confusion.
*** Bug 97717 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 96944 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 93493 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 91246
*** Bug 92690 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 87977 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I am wondering to know what's the differences between this bug & bug 18266?
Oops! I mean "I am wondering to know what's the differences between this bug & bug 57660".....
Bienvenu, perhaps you could comment on the 'new' (one month old, really) patch? Thanks.
I'm wondering if there's any chance of being able to select this behaviour on a per-folder basis? I have 150 folders in a directory hierarchy, often accessed over IMAP via a relatively slow link. When I turn on this feature mozilla becomes more or less unusable, "freezing" up for minutes on end every time it checks for new mail. I use procmail to filter my mail, and "new" mail will only arrive in around 10 of my folders. The other 140 will never have anything arrive in them unless I file it there so it's insane for mozilla to check them all. I'd like to be able to select the folders that mozilla checks for new mail in addition to INBOX.
I'm sure I've been begging for just this functionality for qutie a while now ;-) Something like the dialog that lets you choose which folders are downloaded for offline reading would be great...
> I mean "I am wondering to know what's the differences between this bug & > bug 57660"..... The other bug is about Mozilla's (i.e. client-side) filters, esp with POP accounts. This bug is about asking the *IMAP server*, which folders other than INBOX have new mails (so server-side filters, which are unrelated to Mozilla, can be used more nicely).
0.9.4 is out the door
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.4 → mozilla0.9.5
Is this a dup? Jeff Hooker says it works on the 09/17/01 build. Can someone please verify? Thanks. Making nsenterprise-
> Is this a dup? Jeff Hooker says it works on the 09/17/01 build. Can someone please verify? Well it sorta work if you edit the prefs file. But it slow like h-ll and it doesnt work "right". First it looks like it downloads all headers and not just check the status of the boxes! Then it check for "Unseen" mail and NOT "Recent" mail as it should be. (I dont want to know how many mail i havent read, i want to know how many NEW mail there are since the last check) And it only works if you manually check (Get new mail). I really want to see this one gets fixed, Mozilla Mail is useless for me if i doesnt work.
> First it looks like it downloads all headers and not just check the status of > the boxes! It downloads all headers of all folders??
> Then it check for "Unseen" mail and NOT "Recent" > mail as it should be. (I dont want to know how many mail i havent read, i want > to know how many NEW mail there are since the last check) My opinion that the folder status of Unread and read should remain as is. The 'unread' message count gets updated everytime there is new mail. I prefer that it tell me the number of unread messages, not just what has recently arrived. Just knowing what recently arrived will falsely give me impression that I less unread mail then I actually have. > And it only works if you manually check (Get new mail). In server settings I have set "check for new messages every XX minutes. This works great as I never need to use the "Get Mail" button. Overall, this enhancement has been working great for me!
> It downloads all headers of all folders?? No, only subscribed folders I think. Regarding the Unseen/Recent, the best would off course, to have both! Or a simple way to choose the one you like.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you - you should try pinging me if it takes me more than a couple days to respond - it means I forgot. Tabs seem messed up in this area: + // Take the last folder off the array and check for new messages on it. + // The size of this array is the total number of mail folders on the + // server. Should be a resonable size: a few hundred at most. + PRUint32 count = 0; + rv = m_foldersToCheckForNew->Count(&count); + NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Count failed"); + NS_ASSERTION(count > 0, "If count is now 0, m_foldersToCheckForNew should be have been cleared."); I don't like adding NS_ERROR_FAILURE's since it's a meaningless error code. You can use NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER in +nsImapIncomingServer::SetupCheckAllFoldersForNew() and you can propagate the actual rv here: + if (NS_FAILED(rv) || (count <= 0)) + return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; also, shouldn't you clear m_foldersToCheckForNew in the above error case? Also, this comment is not sufficient and a bit misleading: + // Call back to the server so it can chain to next next folder + // to check for new messages. Where you say server, I think you should say nsImapIncomingServer so that it's a little clearer you're not referring to the actual server, but a c++ object. Also, this should read something like : "if we're checking for new messages in all folders, allow the server to get messages for the next folder in the list" or soemthing like that. It should be clearer that this is the exception case, not the normal case. It would be better if we did this with a url listener in the one case where we are doing this chaining, instead of changing the main control path for all folder selects. I'll try to look at the code to explain better how that might be done. , and in
> > It downloads all headers of all folders?? > No, only subscribed folders I think. Duh! This means that it will download 50,000 headers or so in my case. (Sorry for just complaining and not contributing.)
>> No, only subscribed folders I think. >Duh! This means that it will download 50,000 headers or so in my case. Yeah, having it just suck down all mail from all folders is counter-productive. For anyone on less than 100Mbps it will suck for almost all situations. And even on 100Mbps, with my IMAP mail tree, it'll suck. This is why I hope you add a flag to the IMAP tree class that defines wether it's polled or not, and have it default to off. Add a way of flipping it to the properties. That way, when I open my client or it otherwise calls the poll member, it'll check for mail in all flagged folders (you could also have INBOX respect this, and have INBOX default to true -- preserving old behaviour for those who don't change it, but enchancing the semantics).
OK, I believe this issue is bigger than I thought, and it's going to go beyond my understanding of the mail/news subsystem to fix it. I would like to punt, and hand it back over to the mail/news guys. Hopefully you guys can use my work as a starting point.
Assignee: smeredith → mscott
QA Contact: huang → esther
*** Bug 100557 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
That being said, *being able* to suck down all the headers for all folders on command is actually a very useful feature. That way you can prime your header caches when plugged into a fast network (for mobile systems) or overnight etc. (for systems with a slow, but nailed-up connection.)
QA Contact: esther → huang
Would it be possible to extend the offline sync usage? Maybe have a copy of the code which does regular polling, or extend the offline behaviour to always be synced up?
Do you mean instead of checking this code in? I think that would be wasted effort because you'd end up with the functionality of this code, which most people agree is not ideal. I think we need one or two things - the ability to selectively control which folders get checked for new messages at the least, and perhaps the ability to check for new messages w/o downloading all the headers. The way the latter would work might be something like this: In the first pass, do an examine/select of a folder, and remember the total, and unseen counts for a folder. In the subsequent passes, do the same and compare the values. If the unseen counts have gone up, then there have been new messages put in the folder. There are some tricky aspects to this - because by default, we don't show you deleted messages, but the imap server counts them, we can't know if we're really going to show/download a new header. Also, we wouldn't want to do this for the inbox for similar reasons, since we filter messages out of the inbox ourselves but leave them there unread but deleted. And, the UNSEEN count is not really that reliable. Also, if the user selects a folder, causing us to download all the headers, we should reset our counts. That's all a little involved, but I'm just writing it down.
Closed: 24 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
bienvenu, you marked this fixed. I don't think it should be, because, although the current implementation is probably a good start, the state is so that most people have no use for it as-is. As the original reporter, I REOPEN it until the most urgent problems are resolved. I wrote that in the Status Whiteboard. > I think we need one or two things - the ability to > selectively control which folders get checked for new messages at the least, > and perhaps the ability to check for new messages w/o downloading all the > headers. Agreed. I filed bug 101219 about the latter. I think the former should be implemented before this bug can be considered fixed. Some other possible remaining problems (not necessarily blockers for this bug), collecting from comments: - I think that we should take a serious look at the stress this feature puts on servers before we activate UI for it. IMAP clients are known to stress servers a lot and this fact blocks IMAP deployance (e.g. at ISPs and webmail providers) seriously. We should take care not to make it unnecessariy worse. What is the state now? We sequentially check folders, right? We use only one login? IF so, that seems to be OK. - If the .mailboxlist is malformed (I vagely remember that MSOE causes this), lots of error msgs come up. This would be fixed, if the user manually selects folders to be checked. It isn't, if we keep an option which checks all folders. - If Mailnews starts up and "Get new mail each x mins" is not checked, the user has to manually click Get Mail to get mail in all folders. Would be annoying. - If all folders are checked, don't check Trash. (Don't know, if that is fixed, nobody commented on it.) - Did I forget/miss something? Finally, thanks to Steve (and his employer) for implementing a large part of this bug!
Blocks: 101219
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Whiteboard: Backend pref for checking all(!) subscribed folders checked in; need to make checked folders selectable
I marked it assigned, not fixed. (perhaps there's a browser bug). So calm down!
Regarding "the ability to check for new messages w/o downloading all the headers." -- I thought Mozilla did this already when I select a folder it has been to before, because it keeps a header index. When there are new headers, it quickly retrieves the new ones and adds them to the index... Surely this new check code doesn't just redownload ALL headers, right? IMO: whatever code currently checks for mail in INBOX should be exetended to check for all members of the tree(s) which have a flag. By default, INBOX gets the flag (and it's off elsewhere). That way the current get now mail code is unchanged to the outside, although the tree elements are extended and the get_new code has an extra loop (perhaps sub-member for tree parsing?).
It only downloads the headers it hasn't downloaded before. The code basically simulates the user clicking on each folder. I hope that was clear to everyone who commented. If not, I'm sorry.
It was not clear to me that this patch downloads all new headers for all the folders that are being checked. Outlook Express has the behavior that I want: It goes through all subscribed folders using only one login to the IMAP server, and updates the unread message count displayed in the folder list. That is fast enough even with lots of folders and a slow connection. That's the minimum functionality that makes me continue to use OE, necessary because I filter to IMAP folders using procmail on the server. What I don't know, because I haven't yet seen a mail client do it, is how fast downloading all new headers would be if it is done with just one login. If that is what this patch does it might be acceptible, but if it is too slow you should drop the download of the headers. Outlook Express will not download the new headers without a separate login to the server for each folder, and that definitely is too slow to be practical. It might turn out to be fast enough to download the new headers when the check reveals that a folder has some new headers if the whole thing is done with just one login.
Please move the discussion of 'download all heasers' vs. 'update msg counts only' to bug 101219.
So this bug is ONLY about getting headers for folders other than INBOX. Ok, so what we want then is a patch which allows Moz to ALSO get all new headers in subfolders with a new msg count (see bug 101219 about how it finds which subfolders have new msgs). That way, when we mark folders (once bug 101219 functionality is in) to be monitored for new msg counts, we can have this patch suck down all the new headers. The functionality in 101219 will let us pick which folders we monitor (so we don't suck down headers in archive folders which are seldom touched except for searches). Accurate summary?
> So this bug is ONLY about getting headers for folders other than INBOX. No. What I need is that the msg *count* in the folder pane is updated. Other people might need the biff to notify about new msgs. If/how/when new headers are downloaded is topic of bug 101219 and no more topic of this bug.
*** Bug 57952 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
0.9.5 is out the door. bumping up the TM one notch
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.5 → mozilla0.9.6
The current snapshot of Evolution (mail client in Gnome, from seems to check for new messages in IMAP folders reliably, in case it helps to look at how they do it. I just changed IMAP servers to Courier IMAP (under RedHat 7.1) and the current patch here ends to kill my connection. I suspect that generated multiple threads to check folders is a mistake: It is easy for server defences against DOS attacks to trigger if it sees too many probes of the same port from the same ip address. Based on the performance I see in Outlook Express (which does this exactly right if you don't set it to download all headers when it checks for new message counts) and in Evolution, as long as you can use a single login to the IMAP server to handle all folders, performance will be fast enough to run the check in a single thread.
If you really want to know how it should work take a look at Cyrusofts Mulberry (runs on Win, Linux and Mac) Ive got two different accounts and about 10-15 subfolders on each account who can have new mail in them. In some of them there are often 50-200 new mails every day. Mulberry takes about 5-10 sec. to check and report how many recent, unseen and total mails there are on both accounts and all subfolders and this is on an ISDN 64Kb connection. Mozilla, with this patch, can take up to 3-7 minutes! Of course Mulberry only starts to download headers after I choose to open one of the folders, and then it has a feature to only download the last X messages, very nice when you're on an slow connection.
reassigning to bienvenu and moving to 1.0.
Assignee: mscott → bienvenu
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla1.0
*** Bug 104958 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 107358 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
One thought: each IMAP folder has "get status" properties for it (there is already an option for offline reading anyway). You could specify does current folder message count get updated at all (when pressing Get New Messages) or does it have its own update interval. There is no point updating automagically ALL IMAP folders because some of them may get new messages only when user is sending messages manually into it. (Mail archives for example). If the mail filtering is done at the server side, I'd like to see general discussion mailing list message count updated once a day and other folders more often. Looks like possibility to overconfigure the messenger but I assume that the user who knows how to enable IMAP server side mail filtering is smart enough to configure each folder separately and this way the server polling overhead is still kept minimal. Headers will be downloaded when user clicks on one folder as it works now. I remember that StarOffice 5.2 IMAP client was built up this way. (Sorry If I got confused about differences between 18266/101219 ;))
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla1.2
*** Bug 83855 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 116891 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I tried to enable this feature on build 0.9.7, both under Linux and Win2K. I have been running into some trouble though under both platforms. I'm not really sure what is going on but I'll try to explain. Under Win2K I enable both this feature and using offline mode (through Offline & Disk Space, Make the messages in my inbox available when I'm working offline). After downloading my messages I quit out of mozilla, the GUI disappered but the mozilla process didn't die. After killing this process and restarting the Mozilla me messages where now not synced with the headers. I suspect BUG is causing this to happen. This may or may not have anything to do with this feature, the reason I suspect this is due to my testing with Linux. Under Linux I enabled the same features. I now frequenltly see crasches when staring the Mail Client (3 out of 4 times approx). I have reported those crasches back through the talkback client, ID TB110854Q for example. Switching offline mode off still caused the craches to appear. Turning the check_all_imap_folders feature off did however cause mozilla to behave again. I realize this is not much help, though I can't reproduce the steps and cause things to fail every time, only most of the time... Maybe the incident ID will provide some more information
*** Bug 110953 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The last patch for this bug is dated 7/24/01, but discussion reveals that the patch is not necessarily ideal. Also, comments indicate that this functionality crashes recent builds. My question: has there been any recent progress on this bug (maybe under a different bug #) recently? This functionality is actually quite basic, for providing a 'complete' IMAP client implementation, in my opinion. From what I've gathered in the comments and through personal experience, there are hardly any other IMAP clients that do NOT implement this feature. Personally, its keeping me from implementing server-side filtering, a desperately desired feature, so that I don't have to move all my filter rules if I need to use a different mail client (on a different machine).
Yes, I'm interesting in resolving this bug too. I have only 15 imap folders for now (yes, they counting, but not very fast) and this option works good for me. But I agree - this option must handle many imap folders reliably and efficiently. May be as a good starting point to implement addition per-folder setting (that allows to automatically check only mentioned folders). This suggestion was discussed in this tread and I dont realize the reason why this theme was disappeared.
Another question - why "Target Milestone" was set to mozilla1.2 I think many people cant use IMAP if this feature didnt implemented well.
> Another question - why "Target Milestone" was set to mozilla1.2 > I think many people cant use IMAP if this feature didnt implemented well. Yes! Including me! Mozilla Mail is worthless to me if this does'nt get fixed! I think its a shame that Netscape/Mozilla has more or less dropped it once very good IMAP support (when 4,5 came out it was one of the best, but there has been no progress since then) Please fix this before 1.0.
>Another question - why "Target Milestone" was set to mozilla1.2 >I think many people cant use IMAP if this feature didnt implemented well. I disagree. I need this implemented, too, but there are many more critical things to do, mostly things that make people dump the whole thing even before they realize this 'bug'.
The lack of this feature almost prevent to use server-side IMAP filtres The main benefit from using IMAP: your'e always stay in sync with all of your email stuff. If you have server-side filters, you REALLY can use your mail account wherewer you are. With client-side filters much of IMAP goodness just go away and there almost no reason to prefer IMAP over POP. Conclusion - without this function was correctrly implemented there almost NO USE of ian at all (in contrast to POP) This is my IMHO
------- Additional Comments From 2002-02-07 01:26 ------- The lack of this feature almost prevent to use server-side IMAP filtres The main benefit from using IMAP: your'e always stay in sync with all of your email stuff. If you have server-side filters, you REALLY can use your mail account wherewer you are. With client-side filters much of IMAP goodness just go away and there almost no reason to prefer IMAP over POP. This is perfectly right. But it works for me since 0.9.6 I think add user_pref("mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new", true); in pref.js then every # min it automaticaly checks my 38 folders that I filter with procmail. All except the Trash, it was a choice from the guy who made the patch, but I dont see why, because I'd like the trash to be checked as well, I have some certainly badly written rules for spam that directs some mail to trash...) It's true that a "per folder" choice would be excellent... -- bye everyone Olivier.
>add >user_pref("mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new", true); >in pref.js I just downloaded the latest nightly (for windows) and I don't see pref.js Do I put it in mailnews.js? And is this still a valid entry?
This from the Mozilla Mail-News Prefs web page: "You should not be editing your prefs.js by hand. If you feel you need to, its probably a bug on our part, and you should log a bug."
Charles: Czo really did mean prefs.js ;). It's not in your Mozilla/bin directory -- rather, it's probably in /Documents and Settings/Profiles/[Windows username]/Mozilla/Profiles/[Mozilla profilename]/[salted directory name]/prefs.js Some of that path is from memory, so if you can't find prefs.js, just do a "Search" in Explorer for "prefs.js". And, regarding the warning: that's just saying that editing should only be done by advanced users. You are allowed to ignore it, if you know what you're doing :).
Isn't userprefs.js the preferred place for such things? Anyway, to get back on topic, I'm eagerly awaiting a proper fix for this bug. I have about 200 folders for various mailing lists, and yaz is right that IMAP is about the same as POP without server-side filters. Of course, server-side filters don't update the index files of each client, so the mail I read on my work machine doesn't get marked as read on my home machine. What'd be really neat if each folder's index file were stored on the server as well. That way, I can read my filtered mail, and see which messages I've read, from any Mozilla client. Sweet.
re prefs.js, please read an *arbitary* Netscape FAQ, for any version. > mail I read on my work machine doesn't get marked as read on my home machine marcarc, the read status of individual messages should be stored on the IMAP server and honored by the clients. If not, that's a bug in the client or server. Anyways, it's offtopic here, because this is about folders, not messages.
> marcarc, the read status of individual messages should be stored on the IMAP > server and honored by the clients. If not, that's a bug in the client or server. > Anyways, it's offtopic here, because this is about folders, not messages. I don't think its offtopic, this is an other reason why I use imap... It works for me : I use mozilla 0.9.7 (sometimes outlook express) and both theese imap client honor the read status and the flag message. marcarc, your problem might come from the server you use... mine is IMAP4rev1 (UW 2000.287), so ask your sysadmin btw, my pref.js is located in : C:\Documents and Settings\czo\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\czo bye.
This behaviour is preventing me from using Mozilla Mail as my email application. My email gets sorted server-side by a set of filters into various subfolders, and it's of little use to me if I can't tell when I have new email in these subfolders without manually having to go through and browse each folder one after another looking for new messages. Given that Mozilla insists on removing my default mail application association each time it starts (does anyone know the bug # for this?), I thought I might consider moving to Mozilla Mail to alleviate this problem. Sadly, I can't do this while this bug still stands, and Mozilla refuses to leave my default mail client association alone, causing quite some distress.
Antony: You are aware of the pref, right? (see also comment #114) PS When you comment in a bug, be sure to add yourself to the CC list, otherwise you don't see any of the reponses :).
For what it's worth, I decided to try out the pref option mentioned in this bug report. I'm using Mozilla 0.9.6 on Linux RedHat 6.2 (0.9.7 and .8 have been unusable for me, probably because my setup is so old -- I can't easily update it, however.) Unfortunately the performance is unacceptable, as it immediately went to download all the headers for all the messages -- but apparently did so in a way that the server did not handle well. After having had Mozilla saturate my 384 kbps DSL line for about four hours, and receiving uncountable cryptic error messages without having any way of knowing which folder they applied to, I gave up and turned the option off.
*** Bug 127867 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 124319 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
There are several things to do: 1. Change the current code with the new (not so new) patch from 07/24/01 so we don't try to download all the folders at once. Because this makes this hidden pref unusable with most IMAP servers which are guarded against DoS attacks. 2. Then we can move on to change the code to update only message counts and not to download the new headers. 3. Then we can make some ui work to allow it to check only user-selected folders. The first thing is almost done (maybe the patch is a little bit rotten) so why not finish it and check it in.
> Change the current code with the new (not so new) patch from 07/24/01 so we > don't try to download all the folders at once. Because this makes this hidden > pref unusable with most IMAP servers which are guarded against DoS attacks. In BuildID 18266 I do not see the "donwload all at once" problem. It only downloads as many as mail.server.servern.max_cached_connections at once at that can be set as low as 2 without any problems...
I meant BuildID 2002030417, sorry - must have been half-asleep at the time.
OK, that's better than all at once, but it's not the best solution either. It should check only one folder at time regardless the max_cached_connections pref. Because this way as it is now you can't display message while the mozilla is looking into the folders because it uses all allowed connections to server and you need one to download the message. And the overload it makes on the server is also unnecessary - it won't be any faster.
> you can't display message while the mozilla is > looking into the folders because it uses all allowed connections to server and > you need one to download the message Not quite - as soon as one particular folder is done, the connection will free up and Moxzilla will d/l the message before going to the next folder. > And the overload it makes on the server is also unnecessary - it won't be any faster. This is definitely untrue. I ran Courier IMAP locally (e.g. on localhost). I experimented with setting different number of max_cached_connections. If I delete all the msf and start Mozilla (which means it now has to d/l all the headers for about 20 folders), with max_cached_connections=5 it does it much faster than with max_cached_connections=2. IMHO, the only things that might be needed is to: - Make sure Mozilla never really has more than max_cached_connections open. - Have a UI for setting it.
*** Bug 134808 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 129754 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 138153 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 122732 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 139745 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 141509 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 140620 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The IMAP protocol allows you to tell whether the folder has been 'marked' as interesting by the server (because something has happenned on the server side). Mozilla should automatically check the status of any folders chich as the result of a "LIST" imap command return that they are \MARKED ... Thus it wouldn't be that expensive at the start of each mozilla mail/news session to check what the status of all subscribed folders are.
that's a good suggestion. There's no guarantee that any particular server will set the /MARKED flag, but we should have an option to query MARKED folders for new messages. However, we only LIST (actually, LSUB) folders at startup, or when you expand and collapse the server hierarchy, so this isn't a complete solution.
I don't know about anybody else, but it would be a considerable improvement just to get the old "Update Message Counts" functionality back from NS4. With that, you can at least manually select the folders you are interested in and update them quickly and easily.
jifl, for "quick and dirty" the user_pref("mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new", true); is already implemented (attchment 33601 was checked in - see comment 37) and works reasonably good. This bug is currently only about making something better. P.S. Would it make sense to close this bug and open a follow-up to make it clearer?
Yes I've tried that, but it is really quite slow at dealing with even a comparatively small number of folders. A real killer in fact is if your server (like UW IMAPD) exports other namespaces like #news into your IMAP view, at which point enabling this option makes Mozilla want to check every "folder"... in turn causing the IMAPD to go away and talk to the news server each time, etc. If it just updated the message count it might be bearable, but downloading the headers is just far too extreme. As for the purpose of this bug, other bugs are being considered dups of this bug because they are for the same _original_ problem. I'm suggesting another way to work around the original problem, albeit not quite as good certainly. If this bug is to be constrained to improvements to one particular patch which doesn't look like is ever going to be implemented, then yes a follow up should be opened IMHO.
This patch modifies the current functionality to make it check inbox and all folders marked to be checked. A checkbox is added to the folder properties. The old pref for checking all folders is not used anymore. Please note that this is my first patch with xul involved. All comments are welcome.
Attachment #32913 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #32924 - Attachment is obsolete: true
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Attachment #32986 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #33110 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #33427 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #33601 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #43285 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #43454 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Ere, is there some way to keep something similar to old behavior to those who want it? If I do want to have every single folder checked, do I really have to go mark them all one-by-one (and remember to do it again when a new folder is created!)?
Sure, I'll change it so that you can override everything with the old pref.
This is mostly the same as the previous patch, but will check all folders if mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new is set.
Attachment #82423 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Fixed flag comparison style and whitespace issues.
Attachment #82442 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #82443 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Whiteboard: Backend pref for checking all(!) subscribed folders checked in; need to make checked folders selectable → Backend pref for checking all(!) subscribed folders checked in; new patch with ability to select folders waiting for review
In general, very cool. what's this for? Timeouts like this make me nervous. if (!initialUri) { - MsgGetMessagesForAllServers(defaultServer); + // We need to give it a little time to initialize folder list + setTimeout("MsgGetMessagesForAllServers(null)", 2000); I don't like having this routine "GetNewMessagesAllFolders" usually just doing a biff on the inbox - it's misleadingly named, or perhaps it shouldn't be called for the inbox case. Does that make sense? Someone looking at the code later on could get very confused.
Timeout is there to give it time to load the folder list. Otherwise the folder list for the first server might not be complete at the time of initial mail check. There is no "just inbox" case anymore. We always need to enumerate all folders and check the marked ones (or every one of them if that old pref is set). Therefore I think the name isn't misleading, but I'm always open to suggestions for a better name.
Without being involved in the development: This timeout doesn't seem a particularly good idea to me. The proper solution would be to block until the folder list is loaded. I don't know how difficult that is, but be aware that the loading time can vary greatly depending on the connection and no. of folders - not a good case for a fixed timeout.
for you, there's no "just inbox" case, but for at least 99.999% of users and 99.9% of developers, it's just the inbox. I'd really prefer the code the way it was before for clarity's sake. biff shouldn't fire before the folder list is built up. The folder list is built up synchronously. If biff is firing before the folder list is created, that should be fixed.
But there is no way to know if there are other folders that should be checked without enumerating them, and that's essentially what is being done in GetNewMessagesAllFolders(). I'll have to investigate why the folder list isn't loaded before the first biff fires. Should that be a part of this bug or should I create a new one?
I understand that - all I'm suggesting is that the code to check the inbox be done where it is now, and the GetNewMessagesAllFolders could skip the inbox, and be called something like CheckNewMessagesForNonInboxFolders. It might even be worthwhile at some point to actually cache whether or not any non-inbox folders need to be checked, in order to skip this method completely for the 99.99% case. I'm suggesting this so that the code be more readable/maintainable. I know this feature is very valuable for users who have server-side filters, but it's very rare. I think the biff thing should be part of this bug, since it's relevant. I imagine that we're adding the biff timer before we build up the sub-folder list, but I would have thought this code was pretty much synchronous - i.e., we run through the startup code, loading the accounts and servers and folders on all the servers and along the way, set a timer, but the timer won't fire until the startup code is done, since the timer fires on the ui thread. Now, if you don't have .msf files for your imap folders, we definitely won't know about the imap folders until the inbox has been loaded and we go through imap folder discovery, but that's not what you're seeing, is it? The folder list gets build by calling GetSubFolders() - where are you in the code that you need the sub-folders, but don't have them yet? This might be trivially fixed by just calling GetSubFolders there (emphasis on might - startup code can be tricky...)
Thanks, I finally got your point. I will do the necessary changes. Btw, I disagree on the percentage :) And there are cases where this feature is useful even without server side filters. I don't have any server side filters, but I have filters at my work machine and home machine (using the same server). I often leave Mozilla running at work when I go home. I still want to see if there are new messages at home also, but if the machine at work gets them first and moves them from inbox, I wouldn't know it without manually checking the folders.
I used to have the scenario you describe with home and work machines, so I understand that (though I always did it by accident :-) and the server would give me duplicate copies of each filtered message, so it's not something I would ever do on purpose! ). There's also the scenario where you shut down your client at work but want your counts updated at home. However, the better fix for that would be to have an option to update all folders on startup, not on every biff. I biff every minute, and I wouldn't want all my folders selected every minute :-) As someone commented, having an update message counts command (with an option to run it at startup), would be a much more server-friendly way of dealing with the latter scenario.
Attached patch Patch v1.3, changed as suggested (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This one contains changes requested by David. The setTimeout() from initial mail check is removed. There was no problem with loading the folder list (it was my fault that I thought so). The problem was that MsgGetMessagesForAllServers() bypassed the default server it was given. Now it is passed null instead.
Attachment #82698 - Attachment is obsolete: true
> said: > for you, there's no "just inbox" case, but for at least 99.999% of users and 99.9% of developers, Whoa!! This explains why this bug have seen so little action! 99,9% is such an wrong figure thats its really embarrassing! I dont think I know anyone who doesnt use server-side filtering and shared folders and just have an look at the mozilla newsgroup, this feature is very often requested (nearly once a week!) Big thanks to Ere Maijala for having an go at this bug which should have been fixed a long, long time ago! When can we see it checked in?
If it were truly 99.9%+ of people who don't want this, I don't think that this would be the 17th highest voted bug and have 26 duplicates.
Everyone likes to think they're the norm, but believe me, it's a tiny percentage. Or people just imagine the percentages to be what they want them to be ( 25% of Americans think they're in the top 1% in terms of income. Now, that's embarrasing! :-)) The percentage is higher among people actively involved with Mozilla, but among actual users of Mozilla-derived products, I was being generous saying it was 99.99% - it's a highly vocal minority. I've been spending much of my time getting shared folders to work at all in Mozilla, which I'm sure you would agree is a pre-req for checking shared folders for new postings.
looks good in general. could you attach a non-whitespace diff? I don't think you want this change. This is for downloading message bodies, not message headers, and is specific to the inbox. + // check if we should download message bodies because it's the inbox or folder + // that should be checked and the server is specified as one where we + // download msg bodies automatically. PRBool autoDownloadNewHeaders = PR_FALSE; - if (mFlags & MSG_FOLDER_FLAG_INBOX) + if (mFlags & (MSG_FOLDER_FLAG_INBOX | MSG_FOLDER_FLAG_CHECK_NEW))
>...but among actual users of Mozilla-derived products, I was being >generous saying it was 99.99% - it's a highly vocal minority... There may be a little bit of truth to what you say, but I think it is a mistake to minimize this bug's importance using this derived number. As Dir of Admin Computer Services at a university, I can tell you that one of the obstacles to officially adopting Mozilla campus wide is this bug. We use server side filtering with folders, so this bug is of high interest to us.
Removed the part spotted by David.
Attachment #82817 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Please don't get me wrong. I'm glad this is getting done. I was merely asking for a code change to make the general case in the code easier to read. I was also trying, poorly, to say that we have very limited resources here, so we have to prioritize our work on the stuff that's going to help the most people, like fixing crashes. But the beauty of Mozilla is that if something is a higher priority for you than it is for the general population, you can usually do something about it in the code.
Comment on attachment 82828 [details] [diff] [review] Same patch without the whitespaces r=bienvenu, great, Ere, thx.
Attachment #82828 - Flags: review+
Sr=, please?
Comment on attachment 82828 [details] [diff] [review] Same patch without the whitespaces sr=scc
Attachment #82828 - Flags: superreview+
Checkin requested from timeless.
fix checked in
Assignee: bienvenu → ere
Target Milestone: mozilla1.2alpha → mozilla1.1alpha
sorry for jumping in after the fact. the sr= request for this bug was in my queue did the new UI get buy off from jglick? I'll get a screen shot of the imap only checkbox for her.
Attached image screenshot
note to jglick: this new checkbox only appears for IMAP folders, except for the Inbox.
Pardon my ignorance. Afterwards it's easy to say that I should have asked jglick, but I didn't :( The only thing I could find about properties in the spec was "Each folder has an associated Properties Dialog.". Few lines before that sentence there is one missing image though. (nice thing that the anchor doesn't work in trunk build 20020515.)
Thanks for the fyi Seth. This addition is fine with me and I'll update the Folder spec,, to include it. Does this pref check the folder for new messages only at startup? Or whenever the Inbox is check for new messages (based on users setting for "check for new msgs" interval plus whenever they click "Get Msgs")?
the latter.
Is there any desire to word the pref so that its more clear how enabling this setting is different from not enabling it? Or why a user may or may not want to check this setting?
sounds like this bug is fixed, and jglick is trying to work out some better wording. if so, we should mark it fixed and create a new bug about the warning.
s/about the warning/about the wording
updating url to point to the spec. markin fixed, as this is fixed on the trunk. we'll take the wording to another bug.
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Question: while this seems to be working great, isn't Mozilla supposed to trigger the "new mail detected" indicator in the status bar? This subfolders patch doesn't seem to provide that (only inbox new mail will trigger it). Or do I need to file a separate bug?
I think it's time for a new bug. Cc me if you create one.
is this fix on the branch? See bug 146934
no, it's trunk only.
*** Bug 146934 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 147338 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 95527 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 120996 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 79288 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
In recent builds (tested so far using macosx build), this feature is no longer working. All folders are checked the first time Mozilla opens, but not on any mail checks thereafter. I've noticed some pretty severe problems with IMAP mail in recent Mozilla builds. Often, I'll click on a folder and not be able to load any messages therein (throbber never stops). Almost always, if I go to a folder and hit the key-combo for mark all messages as read, Moz changes all the messages from bold to plain and updates the folder window, but the IMAP server is not actually informed of the message status (i.e., closing Moz and opening another mail app will still show the messages as new). Don't know what's added instability recently, but at the moment, mail/IMAP is practically useless on my system. Some regression has certainly occurred since 1.0 seemed quite useable.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Brice, do you know what the first build was that you noticed had problems (not just this bug, but any of the imap problems you described)? There were some changes to the mac event loop handling that could have either caused or exposed other problems. Also, are you using SSL? Finally, we might want to spin up a bug for the general problems you're seeing, if there's not already a macosx bug for them.
FWIW, mail checking seems to work fine for me in trunk 20002081908 on WinXP.
this is probably a mac-only problem.
I wasn't updating on a nightly basis, so I can't pin-point exactly when this took place, but its been a couple weeks. I thought (initially) that it was just a bad nightly, but after waiting a few days and downloading more nightlies, it became apparent that this wasn't the case. I do use SSL for IMAP and I also use the Courier-IMAP server, both of which had bugs that recently had fixes checked in - so changes there could be the culprit. I need to run out right now, but I hope to do a few things soon: (a) try the most recent nightly (currently on 2002081508), then step back, week by week, then day by day, to figure out when these problems first started. I'm relatively certain that 1.1b was still fine, and I'm 100% certain that 1.1a was fine, so that should limit my backtracking.
I should note that I rolled back to 1.1b because the IMAP SSL support (against Cyrus) in 2002080614 seemed to be broken. I filed bug 161424 for it. I use Slackware Linux with the dailies. The behaviour of sending via SMTP before attepting to write to the SENT folder seems a little broken: one would assume that it would do the SMTP part last so that it could more easily handle (without the dataloss of the sent copy and dupes sent via SMTP) the filing of mails. I'll file another bug for that, though :)
bug 161424 has nothing to do with SSL or this bug (it has everything to do with the sent folder on cyrus servers, and should be fixed on the trunk now)
I'm becoming less convinced that this "regression" is a result of code change in Mozilla as that its an incompatibility with Jaguar (Mac OS X 10.2, build 6c115). I'm going to finish up my testing in OS X 10.1.5 and see what kind of results I see there. The reason I'm starting to think this is that it *seems* at least *some* of the issues I mentioned, I experience going all the way back to 1.1a and I KNOW I haven't been dealing with this that long ... I would have long since reported it! :)
Haven't switched over to 10.1 yet, but the problems definitely seem related to SSL. I removed my existing Moz profile to start "clean" and noticed I wasn't having any problems until I turned on SSL. Turning off SSL/IMAP got me back in business, turning it back on got me back in trouble. I'll continue my testing on 10.1 and report back any findings I make. Cheers.
I have the same problem in Windows 2000 with 1.1beta. I also tried it with trunk 20002081908 which was noted to work in Comment #192 and it still doesn't work. I'm using a Cryrus imap server on a RedHat 7.2 machine.
Please disregard my comments about this happening on Windows 2000. I made some minor changes to my procmail config files and now I get notifications that mail is in folders other than the inbox. This indicates that the problem was with the imap server or procmail, not with Mozilla. Sorry about the confusion.
Blocks: majorbugs
I'm re-closing this now (WFM). I'd suggest filing new bugs for any remaining problems (and feel free to cc me, but bear in mind that I can't fix Mac specific problems).
Closed: 23 years ago22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Well, I couldn't find an option to enable this for all folder (that is, the option is there, mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new, but I couldn't find a way to toggle it through the preferences dialog, at least not in mozilla 1.1). And the biff count of messages seems to be totally random (right now it's telling me that there are 30 new messages and there is actually none - this is under windows, under linux I don't pay much attention when mozilla beeps at me). Maybe this is related to the use of mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new. Besides, I still find it wasteful to SELECT each folder instead of just STATUS it (see my comment #20) but I won't complain too much on this issue ;-)
Luca, I think you have valid points here, but they are out of the scope of this bug. STATUS/SELECT is bug 101219, I think. There's no UI for mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new. And as far I can remember we report the number of downloaded headers as the number of new messages (which is arguably wrong). Bug 101219 might have a solution for that also.
Ok, you're right about bug 101219, and the UI for mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new should be bug 91246. What misled me is that your patch is both for the implementation *and* the UI. I will be posting a comment in bug 91246. Now, what could be relevant to this bug is that mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new is global for all servers. Wouldn't a per server setting be better?
*** Bug 130952 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 157881 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 199288 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
With mozilla 1.3 mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new isn't used at startup, I have to manually check for messages or wait the "check for new messages" time. This didn't happen with 1.2.1.
I know Ere said to open new bugs for remaining problems, but my issue seems related specifically to the implemented fix... I'm using last night's trunk build on Linux: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030516 Mozilla's memory usage explodes when I use mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new. Before new mail is checked, Mozilla's footprint is about 30MB. After checking for new mail it's about 100-120MB. Is this expected (in which case I'll open a new bug) or is there a problem (leak?) with the current implementation? I also saw these memory problems in 1.3. (BTW, I also see luca's problem where new mail isn't checked at startup. But that seems more appropriate for a separate bug.)
Marc, how many folders do you have? And how big are they? The most likely cause I can think of is that the .msf files for all of your folders are opened and in memory, which will eat up a lot of memory. You should be able to tell which .msf files mozilla has open after the get new mail check runs. If that turns out to be the case, we need to make sure the .msf files are closed after get new mail runs (or limit the number that are kept opening - if you have large folders, opening and closing the .msf files could get expensive as well)
In any case, please do open a new bug.
I've opened bug 206502 about the memory issue, where I asked how I can tell which .msf files Mozilla is using.
*** Bug 212056 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
(In reply to comment #213) > *** Bug 212056 has bee > ma > ked as a duplicate of this bug. *** Faced the Same Problem with Mozilla Mail and little investigation led me to resolve the problem. If a user has previously used Outlook or evolution, there are chances that he might expect the new messages to be highlighed by default, instead of going to the properties of each folder and marking it to check for new messages. Should not be checking for new messages in all IMAP folders be default or made an option? It is reasonable for a user to expect so. Thanks! Senthil
Product: MailNews → Core
No longer blocks: majorbugs
Product: Core → MailNews Core
I'm using Thunderbird 3.0.1~hg20091208r4496 on Ubuntu 9.10 (from Mozilla Daily PPA). This doesn't work as intended, new messages are only "discovered" when opening the folder manually (clicking on it). Should I file a new bug?
I am also facing this problem recently. I tried Thunderbird 2 and now 3. Issue is pretty specific. When a new mail arrives in Thunderbird, I won't get any popup window saying "new mail arrived" but when any new mail arrives in inbox, it pops up properly. Further, I am working in an office where all Thunderbird users are facing this issue. I have enabled the option "Check this folder for new messages" and also mail.check_all_imap_folders_for_new is enabled. Please let me know if I should file a new bug.
Shashikant Prabhakar, please file a new bug and include which server software you use and what exactly you do and which relevant account settings / prefs you use.
I use IMAP server based filtering into sub-folder of the Inbox. This works as expected when thunderbird (3.1.5) is running: I get notifications on new emails if the folder has the appropriate checkbox selected ("When getting new messages..."). But whenever I start-up thunderbird it checks ALL sub-folders, regardless of the checkbox state. I've now set mail.startup.enabledMailCheckOnce to "false" in the preferences, which appears to be on default "true". This get's rid of the problem, I hope without any side effects. At least is still shows new messages in the Inbox immediately.
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