Closed Bug 135017 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Preferences UI, Mailnews Tree, Bookmark manager don't work after installing over 0.9.9


(SeaMonkey :: Installer, defect)

Windows 98
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: asablake, Assigned: dveditz)



(Whiteboard: [dt])

Preferences UI does not allow selection of submenus. This is for build 2002040203.
Which submenus do you mean exactly?
I also am witnessing this in 2002040203 as well as 2002040103.  It seems to be
the case for any folding tree menu.  This was witnessed by me running the
aforementioned mozilla builds in Windows 2000 Advanced Server.  The problem did
not seem to be active right after installations of the builds (from the sea),
but after a bit of use of the bookmarks sidebar, mouse action over a folding
tree seems to be ignored.  This affects the "History" and "Bookmarks" sidebar
tabs, as well as the folder selection frame of mailnews.  The problem remains
after a restart of the mozilla executable, and after a restart of the system. I
would suggest changing the Component field of this bug to something more general
than "Preferences".  The fixer of this bug gets my pat on the back because I
REALLY want to check my email :(
I am seeing this in file bookmarks also. At first I thought that I just had a
bad install so I reran mozilla-win32-installer, but the problem was still there.

Here's a follow-up to my situation. I tried to install 2002040303 over
2002040203 to see if the problem would be fixed. As a matter of fact, just about
nothing in the interface worked, the browser was essentially useless. I assumed
that somewhere around 2002040103, various files in the bin folder may have been
corrupted in some form or another. I installed 2002040303 again (from the sea),
but this time to a brand new folder. I'v ebeen running mozilla from this new
folder ever since and as of yet, i have not experienced any similar interface
problems. My theory is that this bug originates in the installation of one of
those recent mozilla builds over a previous one.
BTW, keep up the good work, friends! The browser is getting better and better!
- Justin
I am seeing this with the Security preferences menu in the OS/2 build ID
2002031114. What's weird is that it used to work.
I used to have this problem too when I was using windows... I meanwhile use
Linux - it never happend to me again...

This shouldn't be marked as blocker...

Shall we mark is as new?
I have tried Mozilla 1.0 Release Candidate 1 on three computer:
On a NT4 SP6a and a Windows 2000 SP2 machine the preferences and the bookmark
menu works fine but on a second Windows 2000 SP2 it don't work.
In my opinion it is a blocker.
Cannot verify with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv:1.0rc1).
However, the file bookmarks menu is acting strangely, with a lot of +/- buttons
leading to nowhere.
I was in windows 2000 SP2 as well when I witnessed the bug. I also think that it
is definetely worth blocker status considering that it prevents a user from
reading their mail, changing their prefs, etc.
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
Ever confirmed: true
It seems that this bug isn't located in the browser itself but in the
installation procedure.
On all computers i tried Mozilla 1.0 Release Candidate 1 i installed it over
some older versions. On some the the preferences and the bookmark menu works, on
other don't. Now i've unstalled the updated Mozilla on a Windows 2000 SP2
machine, on which the preferences and the bookmark menu didn't work and removed
also the application data. Then i installed Mozilla 1.0 Release Candidate 1 from
scratch. And surprise, now the preferences and the bookmark menu works fine.
*** Bug 138873 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
dup of bug 134195?
Did those who see this bug properly uninstall older instances of mozilla before
installing a new build?
-> Installer

Dveditz knows this already...
It affects the preferences and Mailnews (Mail Accounts on the left side)

If you have problems do this :
uninstall mozilla, delete all files that are not deleted by the installer (save
your plugins folder first) and reinstall mozilla.
Assignee: ben → dveditz
Severity: blocker → critical
Component: Preferences → Installer
Keywords: mozilla1.0
QA Contact: sairuh → bugzilla
I did delete the Mozilla 0.9.6 installation before I installed 1.0RC1 for the
first time and I noticed this bug.
Now, I tried (again) to delete all files in Mozilla directory by hand, and
reinstalled Mozilla. Now it works fine. I am running Windows XP. It was
unnecessary to delete Application Data.
Save your Plugins directory, uninstall Mozilla, delete its directory, reinstall,
restore Plugins and everything works just fine.
*** Bug 138511 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Summary: Preferences UI does not allow selection of submenus → Preferences UI and Mailnews Tree does doesn't work after installing over 0.9.9
*** Bug 138587 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
> If you have problems do this :
> uninstall mozilla, delete all files that are
> not deleted by the installer (save
> your plugins folder first) and reinstall mozilla.

Yup, this solves the problem for me.  Though don't forget to save the oddly
named mail.server.server1.realusername folder as well.  Otherwise your mail is
lost and the new install fails to have Inbox, Drafts, Sent, Trash folders. 
Nasty bug.

This should be in your profile folder and not in your mozilla folder.. 

*** Bug 138858 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 138837 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Summary: Preferences UI and Mailnews Tree does doesn't work after installing over 0.9.9 → Preferences UI, Mailnews Tree, Bookmark manager don't work after installing over 0.9.9
*** Bug 139058 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Whiteboard: [dt]
Solution worked.  Tried doing a bugzilla DB search before reporting this but
couldn't find anything that appeared relevant.  Sorry about the noise.  Perhaps
the installation instructions should be updated to insist that previous Windoze
installs be deleted before installing.

Solution worked.  Tried doing a bugzilla DB search before reporting this but
couldn't find anything that appeared relevant.  Sorry about the noise.  Perhaps
the installation instructions should be updated to insist that previous Windoze
installs be deleted before installing.

dan: what's this bug about? Is it really installer?
Henrik, this bug is about the fact that using the installer to install a 1.0
branch build without first uninstalling a 0.9.9 install leads to an installation
in which trees are completely unusable.  This is fallout from hewitt's grand
renaming of trees, most likely.

And yes, this is an installer bug.  Installer is not removing something it
should really remove.
By "installer bug" I'm sure you didn't mean a defect made by the installer team
since we're not mind readers nor clarvoyant and had no idea anyone was going to
be renaming trees nor the consequences. I'm sure you meant a core change that
once again requires the install team to do extra unplanned work cleaning up
other people's messes.
Yep, that's exactly what I meant.
*** Bug 139540 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Or rather "something that's unfortunately going to need an installer change and
hence is assigned to the right place" was what I _really_ meant.
*** Bug 139564 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 139654 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 139720 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Hm... do u really think it's an installer-prob?

I just installed the trunk from '24. April 02 10:23' (sorry, don't know exact
version) and tried to read mail... i did no restart (win 2k), but i wasn't able
to read any tree of mail although i deinstalled a 0.9.9 before. reinstalling the
old version - everything works 'fine' ;-) again.
*** Bug 139898 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 140291 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 138885 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 140785 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 140858 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Hm.... bug 134195 just had a patch checked in that's aimed at fixing this....
*** Bug 141766 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 141792 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 142077 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 142270 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 142499 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 142579 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
OK you guys... based upon Win2000... :o(
Yesterday i installed 2002050608... and the bug occured. don't know which
version i had before. i deleted the old version before.
after installing and bug, i deleted the old profile (after saving) and created a
new one --> now effect, bug occurs. i deleted component.reg --> bug occurs. then
i installed a trunk from april 16th, old profile restored --> bug occured. new
profile --> bug occured. deleting components.reg --> bug occured.
i tried all the nightly builds for win32 actually avaiable from ftp --> bug
still occurs. :o( till today. I didn't find ANY version where i can read mails
now! *argh* They are important to me!!!
 some further information perhaps: you cannot read the mails... but also mozilla
doesn't retrieve the mails from server. it never connects to the mailserver. :o\

I am about sure to say: This CANNOT be an installer prob!

btw: you should change os to all and severity to blocker in my opinion.
Andreas Stroeber: please read commet ##14  (delete all files in
c:\programs\ after uninstalling)

>This CANNOT be an installer prob
This bug is a known problem that can be solved by the installer. Maybe you are
seeing a different problem ?
ok then. thx matti, deleting manually everything left by uninstaller in
mozilla-dir works.

then it could really be an installer prob. ;o)
Same thing happens on Win2K.  
*** Bug 143012 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 143124 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 143405 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Windows XP Pro is also affected since 0.9.9, tested with several daily builds 
+ RC1 and RC2, but without doing the described manual cleanup.
*** Bug 143685 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 143699 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 143589 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 143936 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 144087 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 144186 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 144200 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 144524 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 144407 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Affected also the Moz version 2002051006 on WinNT 4.00.1381
It seems that it's the common problem for ALL Windoze variants.

The manually removing the Mozilla installation tree worked for me.

B.T.W. I was surprized that the Mozilla Uninstall leaves so much after itself
It seems that it deletes nothing! from the installation directory
(e.g. C:\Program Files\\Mozilla).
I see a steady stream of duplicates coming in, including after RC2 was 
released, which was said to have fixed this problem.

I've tried repeatedly installing RC1 over 0.9.9 (on win2k), RC2 over 0.9.9
and RC2 over RC1 and tree widgets work for me in each test.

Exactly how does one reproduce this bug (and is it really the same reason that 
people are seeing non-functional tree widgets in RC2 installations; all the 
dupes seem to assume it's the same problem and tell people to reinstall 
cleanly, but don't detail other symptoms (e.g., any messages in the JS Console?
exactly what versions were installed, in what order, and where)).

Some more information from my experience:

1. Versions: 
Old Moz version: 20020311xx (0.9.9)
New Moz version: 2002051006 (RC2)
OS version: WinNT4 SP6 (4.00.1381)

2. How I'd installed RC2:
-- At the beginning: I has the Moz 0.9.9 installed 
  (code under D:\\... rest of the path is default;
   configuration under C:\winnt\Profiles\... rest of the path is default);
   Full installation, no Quick Launch, Modern theme.
-- Run the full RC2 installer (NOT a net installer):
   Install parameters are the same as the mentioned for Moz 0.9.9 above

3. What's happened:
   The fresh installed RC2 exhibit such behavior:
-- Manage Bookmarks and Preference trees can't be collapsed or expanded:
   double click on that small triangles at right 
   don't bring any visible reaction.
-- Right-click on a bookmark in the Manage Bookmarks window 
   don't bring any visible reaction.
-- "Back" browser button doesn't work: it always grey 
   no matter how many times You clicked on a links.
-- The buttons & checkboxes on the right side of the Preference window 
   seems to work OK.
-- Uninstall (from WinNT ControlPanel|Add/Remove programs)
   and than re-install of the RC2 again (as described in 2 above)
   brings exactly the same behaviour.
   The Uninstall procedure completes suspiciously fast. 
   It gives the feeling that the Uninstall doesn't do anything.

4. Resolution:
   The procedure that brougth me normally working Mozilla RC2 is as follows:
-- Uninstall Mozilla (as described above).
-- Save the plugin directory D:\Program Files\\Mozilla\Plugins aside
-- Remove the whole Mozilla installation tree under D:\Program Files\
   At that point (i.e. AFTER the uninstall!) the installation tree looks 
   as a full normal Mozilla tree. Suspicions against the Uninstall procedure
   grow stronger.
-- Re-install the Mozilla RC2 again, the same way.
-- Copy the plugin directory back on it's place.
-- It WORKS. 

The configuration tree: C:\WINNT\Profiles\<username>\Application Data\Mozilla..
left untouched in course of all the discussed process (from 1 to 4).

Hope, this helps.
Thanks for the detailed description. (But, for whatever reason, the recipe in 
1 & 2 above does not produce the result in 3, for me. Differences being that 
I am running win2k (no SP), and the profiles I am testing with are brand-new
(i.e., not in use from 9.9 until now). But this bug, with the trees not 
expanding, is supposed to be a component IID issue, so profiles shouldn't 
In my opinion the OS doesn't really matter. I had the same problem as described
on Win NT4 SP6 and Win 2k. Deleting the Mozilla tree after uninstall (indeed it
looked untouched by uninstall) and reinstalling fixes the problem.
My Profile is the original one since 0.8.x and remained nearly unchanged till
today. For patching-reasons ;o) i deleted the history.dat at some time (sorry,
can't tell you exactly). But the profile itself remained the same.

btw. i've reinstalled 2002051006 (RC2).
*** Bug 146017 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 145922 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 146144 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Same here with Win2k SP2 and Win XP. I updated earlier from Netscape 4.78 to
Mozilla and took over my profiles. But I'm sorry, I don't remember if the bug
was there from the beginning or if it appeared somewhen later. The only thing I
know for sure is that it appeared with a 0.9.x Mozilla build and since then I
tried two or three more builds (RC1 and RC3 now as the latest ones) and the bug
is still there, surfing in internet is nearly okay (the Back and Forward button
are grayed out, so they're useless), but in the email program nothing even
works, I can click on anything and nothing happens. Didn't try to uninstall
Mozilla, yet.
*** Bug 146919 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Re-tested this issue on Mozilla 1.0.0+
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.0.0+) Gecko/20020522, with
Win2k SP2. Procedure: Delete ALL old mozilla binaries, unpack from nightly build
zip file. Use with a post-RC2 profile. Preferences widget works fine. Testing on
same Linux build also OK. I would nominate this for "fixed". 
Thommie Rother: please read the bug. This is about the installer and not the zip 
builds and this is about installing over an older installer build with an 
installer (not deleting the old directory).
The workaround is to uninstall/delete.

This will never supported : uncompress a zip build over an existing build
Matti, I know that. Deleting all bins from an older nightly is only done to make
shure that that no stuff from the privious build is left - except possible
registry settings plus the profile. This is closest to the normal situation
where a user installs Mozilla for the first time.
*** Bug 147032 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 146148 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 142454 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: nsbeta1
So what's the game plan here. Is this something that installer is going to
"clean up" for RTM? Do we know what the problem is? Is there something
further that needs to be done to get the IID/CID stuff straightened out?

I personally can't seem to reproduce this problem by installing over top of 
a prior installation, but with 40 dupes and counting, it's clear that real 
people are hitting this bug.
Let's summarize what we're know about this bug:
-- The bug is in installer. It plagues both Install & Uninstall procedures.
-- The bug plagues the Win32 platform only. As thre is no reports from the
Linux, Mac, etc. platforms there is safe to assume that the bug is Windoze only.
-- The Installer refuses to update some of the Mozilla .dll(s);
   the Uninstaller refuses to vipe out the whole Moz installation tree (e.g.
C:\Program Files\\Mozilla.
-- The mess happened in the Moz installation tree (see above) ONLY. 
   The profiles dir is OK. 

What to do, IMO :
1. As a quick fix, add to the installer removing the whole Mozilla installation
tree, besides the chrome and plugins directories. That will mimic the manual
resolution provided in comment #14 and buy us some time to work on real solution.

2. In seek for the real solution:
Let's start from the Uninstall, as it's case seems simpler.
Find/grep the Uninstaller code for places where it decides to remove old files
and ask why it DOES NOT do this. Breakpoints on "else" case may help.
Similiar techniquie may be used also on Installer but there we can look for file
copy procedures and ask why it decides to NOT overwrite an old .dll .

Sorry. I haven't the MS development environment on my comp (and not too much
time) so that's all for now. 
*** Bug 148991 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 149569 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 150429 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 143797 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Doesn't seem to plague Netscape 6.2 -> 7.0 upgrades
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
OK, I found the problem. The theme that you were using with M.99 doesn't have
everything that M1.0 needs. Consequently, opening additional windows spawns a
thread (which you can see in the Window menu as a blank entry at the bottom) and
never properly initializes. My guess is that, unable to find the necessary
widgit in the chrome, it enters an infinite loop or goes into a permanent wait

When you try to exit Mozilla, the "AbortThread" message never gets sent to the
child window, and so the program process never ends. That's why the program
hangs the next time you try to restart it: Mozilla tries, and fails, to reawaken
the already-running thread. 

Uninstalling & reinstalling doesn't help, because the chrome that you downloaded
is in your Application Data folder, and doesn't get deleted. 

The easy fix is to start Mozilla, and go to Edit -> Preferences. Go to the
Appearance section, and uninstall all the themes that you can. Then, click on
"Install new theme," and download the new version of your favorite theme
(Pinball works for me) from Set that to your active theme, and exit
Mozilla. If you tried to start Mail/News/Addressbook/Composer, you may have to
kill the process to get it to really close (Ctrl+Alt+Del on Windows).

When you restart Mozilla, everything will be fine.

Shanti !
The problem, You're described is NOT the one discussedd here.
There is why:
-- It occurs for me with only default (Classic & Modern) themes has been
installed with 0.9.9.
-- Removing the Mozilla installation tree (Program Files\\Mozilla)
before installing cures the problem. As You mentioned, the chrome is placed
under the Application Data and that remove procedure doesn't touch it.

There is a clear bug in the RC2 Uninstaller (and possibly 1.0 too). The thing
does not remove the installation tree, what it's supposed to do.

Not to mention that the problem, You described is not real. It's just an another
*** Bug 146017 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 158053 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 156947 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: majorbugs
*** Bug 136960 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
There probably aren't much 0.9.9 left which could be affected by this bug. 1.0
is out since over four month.
Suggesting WONTFIX.
I agree with "wontfix".
Better yet than "wontfix," a simple message during install that, "Installing 
over 0.9 will break things" would be a valid fix at this point.
AIUI understand it, the problem described in this bug is that the uninstaller
does not remove all necessary files, so this is a dupe of bug 113593.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 113593 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
no, you get this also if you install over an older build without deinstalling
and this should work.
Dveditz could mark this wfm because there is not the problem with recent builds
but it could happen again.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
*** Bug 182529 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Dan, was likely fixed by the fix for bug 162593 ?
marking WFM.  0.9.9 is long gone.  other bugs have been used to track similar
problems in more recent builds.
Closed: 22 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Dear Folks, Booted the box and opened Mozz to be taken to Mozz HP to update. Had
checked auto update OFF.  Didn't download anything.  User gone, bookmarks gone,
browser settings gone, email setting gone..... everything gone. However user 
files still in app folder, but Mozz won't open user or acknowledge its
existance. I am an art historian. So please understand my lack of technical

I am very unhappy about losing my bookmarks and email. Is there a way to retrive   
my email and bookmarks?  The rest of the  stuff I can set again. Is there a way
to set up the email client to leave a copy on the server so I won't lose my
email ? How did this happen if I had  auto update turned off?  If I update will
I have to set up yet another user bringing the total to 3 ?  Will anything
migrate?  What is in Mozz that overrode my settings to NOT auto update?  
Susan Wing:
You don't see this bug, it's something else.
Write a private mail (to avoid spamming people in this bug) and explain your
problem and i will try to help or if you installed chatzilla :
irc:// ping
I just installed the new beta release and lost my 'current' bookmarks and home
page that I used under the previous version?
close this bug already!  it's old....
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
No longer blocks: majorbugs
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