Closed Bug 17907 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Active Bug list: Nov 3, 1999


(Core Graveyard :: Tracking, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jar, Assigned: jar)


This bug is designed to depend on all the bugs that were reported by Netscape engineers during the weekly status report. I wanted a list of the top 1 or 2 bugs per engineer, as taken from the assigned bug (and feature) list. Over time, we can look at this bug, and see if we are progressing on the stated high-priority bugs (bugs that folks thought they should be working on). We can also contrast this list with a list that management has created and thinks folks should be working on (Dogfood bugs, approved by PDT+). In the end, we'll see what should be done to either list, and to our joint priorities.
Depends on: 8801, 16803
QA Contact: leger
From: (Laura Yecies) Mon 2:32 PM Subject: icp_990813 Naoki Next week: 16803 [Ender]Unable to copy/paste chars from mapped charts Erik Continued work on 8801 (font prefs).
Depends on: 7270, 12579
From: (Norris Boyd) Mon 8:47 AM Subject: Component Security Status 11/1 norris currently working on changes needed for signed scripts: bug 7270 mstoltz is currently working on 7270 and 12579
From: James Everingham <> Mon 10:57 AM Subject: Browser Status 11/1/99 danm - 17351,16551,14131 pinkerton - 13463 pavlov - 1004,2564,14284 sdagley - 17558 hyatt - 15146 waterson - 15146 neeti - 15820,15817 pnunn - 17076 morse - 16256,14889 slamm - 14224,12569 travis - 13374 davidm - 8673 radha - 16782 law - 8705,10737 valeski - 16968,16910 gordon - 10731 rpotts - 16418,3469 fur - 8305 warren - 10736,11159 dbragg - 16214 sgehani - 9148,17511,11171 dveditz - 7753,12816 cathleen - 14901,14902 collins, dp: getting services useable with COMPtr churchill: vacation saari: focus and command dispatching hyatt: brutal sharing evaughan: GFX scrollbars
Depends on: 5583, 10232, 10234, 12016, 12491, 12846, 12895, 13483, 14082, 14928, 15127, 16119, 16395
No longer depends on: 16418, 16551, 16782, 16803, 16910, 16968, 17076, 17351, 17511, 17558
From: (Dave Rothschild) Mon 11:35 AM Subject: Mail,AIM,Profiles,CCK Status 11.1.99 What we're working on right now davidmc - Adding logging code to MDB API. bienvenu - 12491 New messages filtered into a folder do not appear, 12016 Need Stop button in mail/news alecf - Picking up tree widget porkjockey work: 13483 Tree/scroll bar crash, 12895 Need to scroll tree to a specific item jefft - 16540 POP prefs not being heeded rhp - 10232 Image attachments corrupted when UUEncoded, 17481 Can't view a particular message mscott - 17065 Stall opening IMAP inbox, 14928 URL dispatching sspitzer - 16457 Can't send mail through a particular SMTP server hangas - 16395 Mopping up new skin work, 15127 Command updating and dispatching putterman - 12846 Make threaded view work ducarroz - 17463 Reply to newsgroup crashes, 17414 Error sending intl web page from browser Bugs being worked on: Bhuvan - 16119, 14082, and code review modifications Gayatri - complete JAR: URL project and then pick some PDT+ stuff to work on Varada - 10234, 5583
Depends on: 1646, 6212, 8209, 9787, 11229, 11538, 11979, 11992, 12520, 13406, 13485, 13836
No longer depends on: 14901, 14902, 14928, 15127, 15146, 15817, 15820, 16119, 16214, 16256, 16395
From: (Rick Gessner) Mon 12:02 PM Subject: gecko status... andrei 6212, 16302 chris 17138, 17168 don porkjockey: paint (mac) printing issues w/webshell eric form submission 11979, 8209 harish 13485, 11229 joki 15189, 13406, 17618 kevin porkjockey: size/paint issues kipp block code WIP nisheeth 1646, 11992, 11538 patrick porkjockey::leaks; porkjockey:paint pierre 12520, 16631 rod porkjockey::paint team troy Incremental layout; vidur incremental sink mods; 17345 9787 waqar 15994 13836; porkjocky:paint
Depends on: 2022, 5085, 7929, 9570, 10642, 10683, 11425, 11818, 12073, 12677, 1340
No longer depends on: 13406, 13463, 13483, 13485, 13836, 14082, 14131, 14224, 14284, 14889
From: (Rick Gessner) Mon 12:03 PM Subject: [Fwd: Ender Development Team Status Report] Kin: bug 16631, and will be jumping in and helping with open issues on Steve's, Joe's and Simon's plates. Kathy: bug 15693 (key event issues) Steve: webshell work (13374) and bugs 16709, 10683, 11425, 17503, 2022 Joe: IME support and bugs 16434, 16481, 16286, 12073, 12677, 16988; Simon: Porkjokey (making Mac code coverage tool a build option, design a tool to compare code coverage output with link map output, look for dead code optimizations for startup) and bugs 5085, 14640, 7929, 9570, 15588, 17102, 17369 Mike: bug 10642 (API), and a multitude of select and caret issues Charley: finish the image dialog, start on the page properties and the table properties dialogs, and bug 17098, 17668 Akkana: bug 16285, 17275 - may fix 15204, update the key event spec, and 11818 (saari bug)
Depends on: 8700
No longer depends on: 1340
From: (Clayton Lewis) Fri 5:45 PM Subject: JavaScript Status 11/1/99 mccabe: 8700 15855 13615 and beginning work on a CDL compiler for component declaration/registry. rogerl: 15604 and coordination with Rob on fixing things the JS test suite uncovers jband: 13419 13429 13425 13418 mostly architecture work for flattening components, multithreading, etc. Waldemar: ECMA work
Removed bug 15693 because it was a top-level tracking bug
Depends on: 13406
No longer depends on: 11538
I'm taking out 11538 from the dependency list because it is no longer a dogfood issue. We are not going to implement asynchronous DTD loading until after dogfood.
Clearing Netscape CPD tracking bugs off radar
Manually closing (to pull off radar), since bulk move failed :-( Final list of bugs was: 1004,1646,2022,2564,3469,5085,5583,6212,7270,7753,7929,8209,8305,8673,8700,8705, 8801,9148,9570,9787,10232,10234,10642,10683,10731,10736,10737,11159,11171,11229, 11425,11818,11979,11992,12016,12073,12491,12520,12569,12579,12677,12816,12846,12 895,13374,13406,13418,13419,13425,13429,13463,13483,13485,13615,13836,14082,1413 1,14224,14284,14640,14774,14889,14901,14902,14928,15127,15146,15189,15204,15588, 15604,15817,15820,15855,15994,16119,16214,16256,16285,16286,16302,16395,16418,16 434,16457,16481,16540,16551,16631,16709,16782,16803,16910,16968,16988,17065,1707 6,17098,17102,17138,17168,17275,17345,17351,17369,17414,17463,17481,17503,17511, 17558,17618,17668
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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