Open Bug 83552 (focusnav) Opened 24 years ago Updated 3 years ago

[meta] [tabbing] METABUG: Focus/Tab Navigation


(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect, P5)






(Reporter: loeb, Unassigned)


(Depends on 24 open bugs)


(Keywords: access, meta)

These are the focus-related keyboard bindings that we want to fix for 0.9.2.
Severity: normal → major
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.2
Keywords: access
Depends on: 58250, 69504, 70484
Depends on: 37638
No longer depends on: 58250, 69504, 70484
Depends on: 58250, 69504, 70484
confirming meta bug.
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: meta
Depends on: 83566
Depends on: 83575
jeremy: for a meta bug we typically add bugs as blockers to the meta bug. :) i'll take care of that soom. adding bug 82656, since it's an example of encountering a dead spot [in this case, cycling thru frames].
Blocks: 82656
No longer depends on: 37638, 58250, 69504, 70484, 83566, 83575
readding bugs as blockers to this meta/tracking one.
Summary: METABUG: Focus/Tab Navigation for 0.9.2. → METABUG: Focus/Tab Navigation for 0.9.2
Blocks: 83588
Blocks: 65974
No longer blocks: 37638
Shouldn't the bug list be under 'depends on' rather than 'blocks'?
I am sure it was "depend" when i originally filed it :) Don't know how to change it now... it says I am in a loop and won't let me. Any ideas?
changing the dependancy so this bug is blocked by others.
No longer blocks: 58250, 65974, 69504, 70484, 82656, 83566, 83575, 83588
adding dependancies now.
How about bug 82534 and bug 83626 for new depends?
Do we want bug 83577 in here?
Depends on: 78256, 83577
Well, we've gotten done what we can. Retargeting to 0.9.3
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.2 → mozilla0.9.3
Summary: METABUG: Focus/Tab Navigation for 0.9.2 → METABUG: Focus/Tab Navigation for 0.9.3
Summary: METABUG: Focus/Tab Navigation for 0.9.3 → METABUG: Focus/Tab Navigation for 0.9.4
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.3 → mozilla0.9.4
-> bryner, so he can get all the focus details right with his new focus implementation(s)
Assignee: aaronl → bryner
Depends on: 81398, 88140, 90355
Okay, here's as a complete a list as I can make of bugs that might be focus/tab navigation related. We can look for dupes more easily now.
Depends on: 59840
No longer depends on: 59849
Summary: METABUG: Focus/Tab Navigation for 0.9.4 → METABUG: Focus/Tab Navigation
Adding dependency on bug 76053.
Depends on: 76053
Depends on: 6533
Depends on: 92450
Summary: METABUG: Focus/Tab Navigation → [tabbing] METABUG: Focus/Tab Navigation
moving these out to 0.9.5 since it doesn't look like I will have time for 0.9.4.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.4 → mozilla0.9.5
Depends on: 98624
Mass-moving lower-priority 0.9.5 bugs off to 0.9.6 to make way for remaining 0.9.4/eMojo bugs, and MachV planning, performance and feature work. If you disagree with any of these targets, please let me know.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.5 → mozilla0.9.6
Depends on: 100721
Depends on: 100921
Depends on: 100923
Depends on: 84308
Depends on: 71518
Depends on: 102951
adding bug 37638, since that deals with urlbar vs page content when a new browser window is opened. not tabbing per se, but definitely gets in the way of other keyboard navigation like scrolling with spacebar, pageDown/pageUp/arrow keys. also adding bug 103758: focus should be page content by default *upon startup*, not the URL bar.
Depends on: 37638, 103758
Depends on: 98592
Depends on: 104794
Depends on: 104845
Depends on: 105224
Depends on: 103284
Pushing way out to get off the radar.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla1.2
Depends on: 108244
Depends on: 108924
Depends on: 105936
Depends on: 66597
Depends on: focushist
Depends on: atfmeta
No longer depends on: atfmeta
Blocks: atfmeta
Depends on: 124946
Depends on: 127892
No longer depends on: 127892
Depends on: 127892
Depends on: 132258
Depends on: 124789
Depends on: 93149
Depends on: 132489
Depends on: 136495
Depends on: 138191
Depends on: 138015
Depends on: 133564
Depends on: 147880
Depends on: 124750
Depends on: 112337
No longer depends on: 112337, 124750
Depends on: 97014
Blocks: 140346
Depends on: 146785
Depends on: 136205
Depends on: 150994
Depends on: 130644
Alias: focusnav
Depends on: 73493
Depends on: 154915
Depends on: 155296
No longer depends on: 155296
Depends on: 97283
Depends on: 156301
Depends on: 141295
Depends on: 159908
Depends on: 159998
Depends on: focusblink
Depends on: 56228
Depends on: 154502
Depends on: 161911
No longer blocks: 140346
Depends on: 140346
Blocks: 140346
No longer depends on: 140346
Depends on: 166652
Depends on: 120148
Depends on: 166501
Keywords: topembed
Depends on: 170811
Depends on: 170833
No longer depends on: 170833
Depends on: 171003
Depends on: 170921
Depends on: 171210
Keywords: topembed
Depends on: 173605
Depends on: 166001
Depends on: 175893
Depends on: 176281
Blocks: grouper
Depends on: 176100
Bulk adding topembed keyword. Gecko/embedding needed.
Keywords: topembed
Removing topembed. The children should be reviewed individually.
Keywords: topembed
Depends on: 89214
Depends on: 178324
Blocks: 177166
Depends on: 178520
Depends on: 83496
No longer depends on: 154915
Depends on: 181112
Depends on: 181203
Depends on: 158808
Depends on: 186496
Blocks: 187301
Blocks: 187303
Depends on: 169767
Depends on: 190774
Depends on: 137191
Depends on: 196224
Depends on: 192729
Depends on: 155436
Depends on: 197820
Depends on: 199026
Depends on: 150585
Depends on: 199666
Depends on: 199927
Depends on: 153693
Depends on: 192915
Depends on: 72870
Depends on: 205629
Depends on: 112337
Depends on: 205576
Depends on: 210075
Depends on: 210878
Depends on: 211852
No longer depends on: 83496
Depends on: 214373
Depends on: 84159
Depends on: 240504
Depends on: 166509
Blocks: 138069
No longer blocks: 138069
Depends on: 138069
Depends on: 241872
Depends on: 243028
Depends on: 243684
Depends on: 244179
Depends on: 245349
Depends on: 242829
Depends on: 193316
Depends on: 249136
Depends on: 249813
Depends on: 142898
Depends on: 250858
Depends on: 250006
Depends on: 251198
Depends on: 251589
No longer depends on: 97283
Depends on: 78928
Depends on: 101646
Depends on: 253472
Depends on: 253374
Depends on: 253593
Depends on: 252920
Depends on: 253613
Depends on: 254011
Depends on: 255187
Depends on: 223239
Depends on: 254056
Depends on: 255317
Depends on: 252178
Depends on: 144217
Depends on: 131784
Depends on: 170554
Depends on: 256003
Depends on: 247323
Depends on: 250096
Blocks: 261196
Blocks: 263017
Depends on: 268821
Depends on: 269318
Depends on: 125282
When I press the tab button on my keyboard, the screen reverts back to a previously opened program. Can you instruct me how to re-set my tab key so that it works properly?
Depends on: 277178
Depends on: 220900
Depends on: 273650
Depends on: 284400
Depends on: 290355
Depends on: 305939
Assignee: bryner → mats.palmgren
Depends on: 299574
Depends on: 285386
Depends on: 324349
Depends on: 341231
Depends on: 323037
Depends on: 303260
Depends on: 318739
Depends on: 339541
Depends on: 338035
Depends on: 249735
Depends on: 257672
Depends on: 188723
Depends on: 163030
Depends on: 102057
Depends on: FormAutofocus
Depends on: 318788
Depends on: 345195
Depends on: 344850
No longer depends on: 285386
Depends on: 347164
Depends on: 350816
Depends on: 307933
Depends on: 261074
Depends on: 190513
Depends on: 356314
Depends on: 341180
Depends on: 351728
Depends on: 306520
Depends on: 303428
Depends on: 357215
Depends on: 366452
Assignee: mats.palmgren → oliver_yeoh
Depends on: 370031
No longer blocks: 140346
Depends on: 140346
Depends on: 338033
Depends on: 347874
Depends on: 349054
Depends on: 352349
Depends on: 370396
Depends on: 246576
Depends on: 371997
Depends on: 372295
Depends on: 372373
Depends on: 306058
Depends on: 372624
Depends on: 371955
Depends on: 375008
Depends on: 376649
Depends on: 382192
Depends on: 469139
QA Contact: bugzilla → keyboard.navigation
Decreasing the priority as no update for the last 2 years on this bug. See about the priority meaning.
Priority: P1 → P5
Component: Keyboard: Navigation → User events and focus handling
Summary: [tabbing] METABUG: Focus/Tab Navigation → [meta] [tabbing] METABUG: Focus/Tab Navigation

The bug assignee didn't login in Bugzilla in the last 7 months and this bug has severity 'major'.
:hsinyi, could you have a look please?
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Assignee: oliver_yeoh → nobody
Flags: needinfo?(htsai)
Flags: needinfo?(htsai)
Severity: major → --
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.