Closed Bug 824026 (fxos-sync) Opened 12 years ago Closed 6 years ago

[meta] Firefox Sync client for Firefox OS


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Sync, enhancement, P1)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: brion, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Keywords: feature, foxfood, uiwanted, Whiteboard: c=browser u=user)

Firefox Sync between my computers and Android devices is a killer feature of Firefox, and is what got me to use Firefox on my Android phone.

It would be very nice to have support for at least bookmark and password sync to Firefox OS devices as well; this would enable sharing data both with a laptop or desktop computer and would make upgrading to a new phone much less painful.
This was the first thing I looked for upon getting a Firefox phone... I want this! Then again looking at the browser's settings, I can understand why this hasn't been done yet. There isn't even a way to change your default search provider yet.
Keywords: feature
This is likely to be a meta bug but adding to the backlog for prioritisation.

Product: has this feature/group of features been slated for a particular release yet?
Flags: needinfo?(ffos-product)
Whiteboard: c=browser u=user
Before we have Firefox Sync at all, could we have at least normal login/password saving to the local storage? Without Browser feels really really lame (especially with non-memorable passwords which should be now standard).
(In reply to comment #0)
> Firefox Sync between my computers and Android devices is a killer feature of
> Firefox, and is what got me to use Firefox on my Android phone.

Depends on: 877648
(In reply to Matej Cepl from comment #3)
> Before we have Firefox Sync at all, could we have at least normal
> login/password saving to the local storage? Without Browser feels really
> really lame (especially with non-memorable passwords which should be now
> standard).

This is bug 877648 now.
This is probably a great time to point out that Firefox Sync has been declared "on life-support"; we're all eagerly awaiting PICL (, which is slated to replace it later this year.

There are no engineering resources assigned to Sync, and only critical and security bugs will be addressed.

More broadly, the existing JavaScript Sync codebase is IMO not a good candidate for use on FirefoxOS devices: it is extremely memory- and CPU-hungry, uses synchronous calls and event-loop spinning throughout, and was never designed for the kind of system integration I'd expect in 2013 (state and error reporting, error recovery, easy extensibility, etc.). Needless to say, it's also quite tightly coupled to desktop Firefox internals.

Sync badly needed a rewrite for its entire lifespan, even on desktop (it started out life as a kinda-hacky Labs add-on) but we never had the time or resources to do so. We're all hoping that PICL meets those expectations!

I recommend you (continue to) work closely with the Identity team to spec out your requirements for a profile syncing solution. It's up to you whether you WONTFIX or morph this bug -- I agree with the sentiment but cannot recommend the implied proposed approach.
(In reply to Richard Newman [:rnewman] from comment #6)
> This is probably a great time to point out that Firefox Sync has been
> declared "on life-support"; we're all eagerly awaiting PICL
> (, which is slated to
> replace it later this year. looks really cool, but is not that persuasive. Is there any ETA on PICL functionality?
(In reply to Matej Cepl from comment #7)

> is not that
> persuasive. Is there any ETA on PICL functionality?

I have no idea. Tauni and Ben can speak to this.
Flags: needinfo?(toxborrow)
Priority: -- → P1
Summary: Support Firefox Sync for Firefox OS's browser bookmarks, saved passwords → Support PICl for Firefox OS's browser bookmarks, saved passwords
(In reply to Ben Francis [:benfrancis] from comment #2)
> Product: has this feature/group of features been slated for a particular
> release yet?

It is definitely on our radar, but not until after a 1.2 (Koi) release.  Bookmarks and saved passwords would certainly be a good first step.
Flags: needinfo?(ffos-product)
A Pivotal Tracker story has been created for this Bug:
Keywords: uiwanted
Flags: needinfo?(toxborrow)
No longer depends on: 877648
Depends on: 877648
PiCL didn't go anywhere. Sync is the best thing we have, unless you want to build a replacement!
Summary: Support PICl for Firefox OS's browser bookmarks, saved passwords → Support a syncing solution for Firefox OS's browser bookmarks, saved passwords
I know this is not a forum, but ... just got a new phone with Firefox OS and found out now, that in order to be able to use Sync I should have gotten an Android device instead. That seems rather odd IMHO.
Blocks: 1034937
For tracking purposes -
TWO (2) users are requesting this feature in the SUMO forums:
Hi Peter, is this feature still on a roadmap for Firefox OS?

Ilana, can you check if we have additional Sync-related mentions or requests on Input?

Thanks in advance,
- Ralph
Flags: needinfo?(pdolanjski)
Flags: needinfo?(isegall)
There is a plan to address this as part of new architecture changes that are coming.
Flags: needinfo?(pdolanjski)
My recommendations from earlier in this bug largely still stand: trying to use the existing desktop Sync code base will result in a Bad Time®.
In Bug 1148933 I'm removing storageclient.js from the tree. This was a modern implementation of the Sync 1.1 protocol; it was never used, and in the interest of not running tests or taking up KB in omni.ja for code we don't use, it's being removed.

Should this bug ever turn into a fresh implementation of Firefox Sync, I recommend heading over to that bug and grabbing the code, rather than starting over.
Piping up from user advocacy: never seen a user request this in feedback. Doesn't mean it wouldn't be valuable, of course.
Flags: needinfo?(isegall)
Assignee: nobody → ferjmoreno
Summary: Support a syncing solution for Firefox OS's browser bookmarks, saved passwords → Firefox Sync client for Firefox OS
Alias: fxos-sync
Assignee: ferjmoreno → nobody
Summary: Firefox Sync client for Firefox OS → [meta] Firefox Sync client for Firefox OS
Component: Gaia::Browser → Sync
Ever confirmed: true
QA Whiteboard: [top-dogfood]
Keywords: foxfood
Depends on: 1196096
Depends on: 1205901
Depends on: 1205933
See Also: → 1207521
Depends on: 1208352
Depends on: 1210697
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Depends on: 1214496
Depends on: 1215436
Depends on: 1194091
Depends on: 1194092
Depends on: 1216022
Depends on: 1217340
Depends on: 1217349
Depends on: 1217352
Depends on: 1218303
Depends on: 1218314
Depends on: 1218701
See Also: 1207521
Depends on: 1219108
Depends on: 1219151
Depends on: 1219160
No longer depends on: 1219373
Hello, there!

I'm lost on this.
Is there an alpha or beta client for the Flame (nightly-latest) I can use to test and share feedback, or is there anything else a newbie can help with? :)
No longer depends on: 1219822
Depends on: 1220528
Depends on: 1220541
Depends on: 1220573
Depends on: 1220961
Depends on: 1221387
Depends on: 1223379
Depends on: 1225463
No longer depends on: 1225463
Depends on: 1225700
Depends on: 1227013
No longer depends on: 1227013
Depends on: 1230588
Blocks: 1237731
No longer blocks: 1237731
Depends on: 1237731
Depends on: 1242346
No longer depends on: 1239701
Depends on: 1242918
Belinda Ruiz de Rodriguez & Hugo J. Rodriguez R.
Married 10/2011
Depends on: 1250834
Depends on: 1251153
Depends on: 1256227
Depends on: 1260089
Depends on: 1274457
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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